90 jobs lost as bakery empire collapses

1 month ago 71

A hospitality radical has collapsed into liquidation, with each 7 of its concern ceasing to commercialized instantly portion 90 unit person been affected.

On Tuesday, BCN Events Group entered liquidation, appointing Mark Holland, Jamie Harris and Anthony Connelly of restructuring steadfast McGrath Nicol arsenic liquidators.

The Brisbane-based hospitality radical operated 7 venues specialising successful bakery goods which person each unopen down overnight.

Those businesses see cooking schoolhouse Lumiere Culinary Studio and fashionable cafe Mica which had locations successful Newstead and the CBD.

King Street Bakery, based successful Bowen Hills, wholesale work supplier the Kneadery successful Newstead and a commercialized accumulation room successful Brisbane person besides shut.

There were 90 radical employed crossed the 7 venues.

“We mean to enactment with staff, customers and suppliers during this hard time,” the liquidators said successful a connection to news.com.au.

The bakery empire was headed by grant cook Shannon Kellam.

Mr Kellam besides runs the French good eating edifice Montrachet and different Mica cafe successful the Brisbane’s airdrome which proceed to commercialized and are not caught up successful the collapse.

News.com.au contacted Mr Kellam for comment.

BCN Events deed a unsmooth spot successful 2022 which it appeared incapable to retrieve from.

The Courier Mail reported that 18 months ago, the bakery concern was deed by a powerfulness outage, which destroyed astir $150,000 worthy of food.

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It comes arsenic a fig of different hospitality businesses crossed the state person besides succumbed amid the economical downturn.

Just a week ago, a fashionable edifice successful Sydney, Lucky Kwong, headed by iconic cook Kylie Kwong, announced it was shutting down.

Earlier this month, the Botswana Butchery concatenation which operated arsenic a high-end steak edifice crossed 3 cities went bust, with debts of much than $23 cardinal and much than 200 unit sacked.

The past remaining NSW store of accelerated nutrient concatenation Lord of the Fries appears unopen down earlier this period aft the landlord repossessed the property.

Last month, aft 18 years successful business, Asian fusion edifice Gingerboy unopen down blaming “market pressures since Covid lockdowns”.

News.com.au besides spoke to a hospitality insider who said helium was deciding if helium was going to liquidate his concern successful the adjacent 48 hours due to the fact that things were truthful dire.

A fig of different restaurants person joined the increasing heap of corpses, including Japanese concatenation Sushi Bay, Elements Bar and Grill and 3 stores successful Sydney edifice franchise Bondi Pizza.

Late past year, limb of large Victorian catering business, Legacy Hospitality Group, went bust with debts successful excess of $1.7 million.

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