Argentine President Milei and Pope Francis hold first talks

5 months ago 38

Pope Francis and Argentina's President Javier Milei held their archetypal at-length gathering astatine the Vatican connected Monday.

The 2 Argentinians spoke for 70 minutes with nary translation required, though the contented of the gathering has not instantly been made available.

Milei's displacement from disapproval to cookies

Libertarian economist Milei — who was sworn successful arsenic Argentina's caller president successful December — had antecedently been captious of the pope portion campaigning during the election.

Milei had accused the pope of governmental interference and called him an "imbecile" who "promotes communism."

The 2 concisely met aft Sunday wide that saw Argentina's archetypal pistillate saint, Mama Antula, canonized, with indications that past year's comments were present h2o nether the bridge.

During Monday's meeting, Milei gave the pope respective presents, including biscuits from Argentina that the pope is said to enjoy, a authorities spokesperson said.

The president and pontiff — who some hal from Buenos Aires — will apt sermon the anticipation of a papal visit to Argentina.

In November, Pope Francis called to congratulate Milei on his predetermination victory, and the president successful crook asked Francis to instrumentality to Argentina.

The pope has not been visited his state of commencement since becoming caput of the Catholic religion successful 2013 and portion has indicated helium would similar to return, nary day has been set.

More to follow…

kb/rc (AFP, KNA)

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