Aus records third-hottest summer ever

4 months ago 37

Australia has sweltered done it’s third-hottest summertime ever recorded, cracking a grim clime grounds supra the country’s 30 twelvemonth average.

Statistics released by the Bureau of Meteorology this week reveals the state experienced its 3rd hottest December-February play connected record, 1.62C supra the 1961-1990 30-year average.

It marks the 3rd warmest summertime since nationalist records began being kept successful 1910 – lone down erstwhile records acceptable successful 2018-19 and 2019-20.

The nationalist mean maximum somesthesia was 1.73C supra mean and the nationalist mean minimum somesthesia was 1.5C supra average.

Western Australia sweated done a peculiarly blistery summer.

Its mean somesthesia was 1.90C supra mean – making it the state’s hottest summertime connected record.

“Mean maximum temperatures were supra mean for Tasmania, astir of Western Australia, South Australia and New South Wales, the Northern Territory and Queensland and parts of northwestern and acold eastbound Victoria,” the bureau said.

“Summer mean minimum temperatures were supra mean for astir each of Australia and highest connected grounds for southeastern Queensland, northeastern New South Wales, Cape York Peninsula and parts of inland Western Australia and the Top End of the Northern Territory.”

The precocious averages were driven by heatwaves successful astir of the state successful December and February portion successful January temperatures soared successful Western Australia, arsenic good arsenic the cardinal and confederate states.

The hottest time recorded implicit the summertime was 49.9C connected February 18 astatine Carnarvon Airport successful Western Australia.

The coldest somesthesia recorded successful the play was 4.6C astatine Tasmania’s Mount Read connected December 30.

It was besides a bedewed summertime with rainfall 18.9 per cent supra the average.

While rainfall for the play was supra mean for astir of eastbound Australia, “areas successful occidental and cardinal Western Australia, confederate Northern Territory and Tasmania had a drier than mean summer,” the bureau said.

“Significant flooding, associated with tropical systems, affected ample areas of bluish Australia during summer, portion terrible thunderstorm enactment brought extended flooding to parts of the eastbound and southeastern mainland,” the bureau said.

Looking up to Autumn, the bureau says to expect warmer days and nights.

“(The bureau’s long-range forecast) shows astir of Australia has astatine slightest an 80 per cent accidental of supra mean temperatures this autumn,” the bureau said.

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