Ben Hunt ‘not closing the door’ on Titans move as Dragons talks ‘on the backburner’

1 month ago 74

Ben Hunt has near the doorway unfastened to instrumentality to his autochthonal Queensland and articulation the Gold Coast Titans should helium neglect to hold a caller woody with the Dragons.

This clip past year, Hunt – portion astatine Origin campy – requested a merchandise from the past 2 years of his woody with St George Illawarra amid concerns implicit the club’s direction.

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He was powerfully linked to the Titans and subsequently to a late-season swap to the Broncos, but the Dragons steadfastly refused to let him to leave, and caller manager Shane Flanagan appeared to mend the narration betwixt the nine and the Maroons rake.

Hunt yesterday revealed that mooted talks implicit a declaration hold for 2026 were ‘on the backburner’ arsenic helium links up with the Maroons – but isn’t closing the doorway connected a determination to the Titans.

“Mate, I americium not closing the doorway connected thing astatine all,” Hunt said, per News Corp.

“At the moment, I’m blessed astatine the Dragons and we’ll enactment done it. There’s nary talks astatine the moment. I americium trying to absorption connected a fewer different things astatine the Dragons and get our squad going successful the close direction.

“We’re successful the Origin play present truthful that (Dragons declaration talks) mightiness beryllium connected the backburner, there’s nary unreserved for thing down there. We’ll benignant it out.”

Hunt presently cannot negociate with rival clubs until November 1, but the 34-year-old lone appears to beryllium getting amended with property – and his playmaking quality would beryllium a monolithic boon for a squad similar the Titans.

Asked however agelong Hunt believes helium tin play on, the Dragons skipper replied: “I honestly don’t know.

“I americium inactive feeling bully successful my body.

“Touch wood, I person been precise fortunate with injuries. Sometimes it’s harder to propulsion up aft games with a sore assemblage and stuff, but astatine the infinitesimal I’m inactive feeling OK truthful we volition spot however we go.”

The Dragons skipper sparked a firestorm erstwhile helium formally asked the nine for a merchandise aft former manager Anthony Griffin was fired past May.

While erstwhile premiership winning manager Shane Flanagan was named the club’s caller mentor for 2024, it wasn’t capable to appease Hunt, who began angling for a release up of the 2nd State of Origin clash.

But the Dragons stood firm, refusing to let their marquee subordinate to permission contempt his wide and publically vocal displeasure astatine the club.

Hunt had signed an hold lone 8 months earlier the declaration saga began.

Hunt declared astatine the clip that helium wanted to return to Queensland.

However, successful the off-season, Hunt admitted helium had a fewer regrets implicit his actions.

“I astir apt made it known beauteous large past twelvemonth that it was getting beauteous frustrating,” Hunt told Nine News.

“There’s regrets astir parts of it. In a way, I’m blessed that immoderate things came to a caput but it decidedly could person been handled better, that’s for sure. It’s been a agelong mates of years and it benignant of compounded into a fewer small things that benignant of ticked it disconnected astatine the end.

“If I could instrumentality the clip back, I would bash it differently.”

Originally published arsenic Ben Hunt ‘not closing the door’ connected Titans determination arsenic Dragons talks ‘on the backburner’

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