Biden, Harris to launch Black voter outreach campaign in Philadelphia Wednesday

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President Biden, VP Harris to motorboat caller Black elector outreach effort | Digital Brief

President Biden, VP Harris to motorboat caller Black elector outreach effort | Digital Brief 02:38

PHILADELPHIA (CBS) -- With the 2024 contention to the White House ramping up, President Biden volition question to Pennsylvania on Wednesday for different run lawsuit successful Philadelphia.

On his latest halt successful the Keystone State, Mr. Biden volition beryllium joined by Vice President Kamala Harris. The president and vice president volition look astatine Girard College successful Fairmount to motorboat their "Black Voters for Biden-Harris" initiative.

"Today, Team Biden-Harris is launching Black Voters for Biden-Harris, a nationalist organizing programme to bolster our continued historical investments successful outreach to the backbone of the Biden-Harris conjugation – Black voters," the Biden run said successful a statement. "These voters were instrumental successful electing Joe Biden and Kamala Harris successful 2020, paving the mode for the Biden-Harris Administration to present a grounds debased Black unemployment rate, Black wealthiness accrued by 60%, much Black Americans with wellness attraction sum than ever before, and billions forgiven successful pupil indebtedness indebtedness that disproportionately impacts Black borrowers. Now, these aforesaid voters volition beryllium captious to defeating [former President Donald] Trump's racist and toxic docket astatine the ballot container – again."

Mr. Biden besides plans to sojourn a Black-owned tiny concern successful the metropolis pursuing the lawsuit astatine Girard College, wherever he'll conscionable with section concern owners to "continue discussions astir this administration's committedness to expanding Black wealth."

Timing and postulation impacts of Biden's visit

Mr. Biden is acceptable to onshore astatine Philadelphia International Airport astir 12:55 p.m., wherever Mayor Cherelle Parker is scheduled to greet him. He'll past question to Girard College, located successful the city's Fairmount section, for remarks scheduled to statesman astir 1:30 p.m.

Mr. Biden is scheduled to depart from PHL astatine 4:45 p.m., truthful the evening commute on I-95 southbound could beryllium impacted by delays.

Initiative aimed astatine mobilizing Black voters

According to the Biden team, the Black Voters for Biden-Harris run involves an eight-figure concern successful programming with Black assemblage groups and pupil and faith-based organizations successful battleground states and crossed the country.

Throughout the summer, the conjugation volition enactment to summation outreach to Black voters, enactment to amended elector acquisition and registration and according to the campaign, "safeguard the Black ballot from continued MAGA attacks."

"This conjugation and the recently announced summertime outreach and engagement programming service arsenic the adjacent signifier of our campaign's ongoing historical investments successful outreach to the backbone of the Biden-Harris conjugation – Black voter," lawman run manager Quentin Fulks said successful portion successful a statement. "While we are engaged putting successful the enactment to gain Black America's enactment – Donald Trump continues to amusement conscionable however ignorant helium is. Hosting janky rap concerts to fell the information that helium lacks the resources and competence to genuinely prosecute our community."

According to the Pew Research Center, 92% of Black voters went for Mr. Biden successful 2020, compared to 8% of those who voted for Trump.

The Black Voters for Biden-Harris motorboat is the latest determination by the Democratic incumbent to tribunal Black voters. Earlier this month, Mr. Biden delivered the commencement address astatine Morehouse College, a historically Black assemblage successful Atlanta, earlier traveling to Detroit to conscionable with Black concern owners and code the NAACP's "Fight for Freedom Fund" dinner.

In a March CBS News poll in Georgia, 82% of Black voters said they'd ballot for Mr. Biden, compared to 88% successful a 2020 exit poll. In an April CBS News canvass successful Michigan, Mr. Biden got enactment from 77% of Black voters, with different 3rd enactment options connected the ballot. 

Biden and Harris making predominant visits to Pennsylvania

The president has already made aggregate visits to Pennsylvania this year, astir precocious successful April erstwhile helium spent 3 days crisscrossing the commonwealth for appearances successful Pittsburgh, Scranton and Philadelphia.

While successful Philly connected April 18, Biden was endorsed by members of the Kennedy family during an lawsuit astatine the Martin Luther King Jr. Rec Center.

Harris has besides been to Pennsylvania respective times this run season. On May 21, the vice president was the keynote speaker astatine the SEIU International Convention. Earlier successful the month, the vice president appeared alongside histrion Sheryl Lee Ralph successful Montgomery County for a discussion connected termination access and women's wellness care.

In April, a CBS News poll recovered Mr. Biden and Trump were locked successful a adjacent contention successful Pennsylvania, Michigan and Wisconsin, each of which person proven to beryllium cardinal battleground states.

After trading disapproval backmost and distant successful speeches and connected societal media, Biden and Trump agreed to meet for 2 debates earlier the November election, archetypal connected June 27 and past again connected Sept. 10.

Alexandra Simon

Alexandra Simon is simply a integer contented shaper astatine CBS Philadelphia. Alex started her vocation astatine CBS21 successful Harrisburg, Pennsylvania earlier joining KARE 11 News successful Minneapolis, wherever she covered breaking news, features and often acold weather.

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