Bondi Junction Westfield stabbing: Witnesses share their horror

3 months ago 70

Terrified witnesses are describing the horrific scenes wrong a packed Westfield astatine Sydney’s Bondi Junction aft aggregate radical were stabbed.

The fearfulness unfolded astatine 4pm connected Saturday day erstwhile witnesses accidental a antheral began stabbing shoppers are random earlier being changeable dormant by police.

Panicked families person described moving for their lives crossed the pedestrian span connected level 4 of the mall.

One witnesser told that they saw the bodies of 2 young radical successful beforehand of the JD Sports store connected level 4 and ran for his life.

“As soon arsenic I saw the bodies, I ran downstairs and saw the constabulary going upstairs and a fewer seconds aboriginal I heard gunshots,” helium said.

Shocking pictures from the country amusement 1 constabulary serviceman leaning implicit someone’s assemblage arsenic they laic connected the crushed of the mall.

One substance speech reportedly betwixt a young miss and her genitor shows her describing proceeding gunshots and taking screen wrong David Jones.

The store, similar galore others, is understood to person closed its information doors to support shoppers harmless wrong arsenic the chaos unfolded.

In a connection releasd astatine 4.37pm, constabulary confirmed a antheral had been changeable successful the buying centre.

“Just earlier 4pm (Saturday 13 April 2024), exigency services were called to Westfield Bondi Junction pursuing reports of aggregate radical stabbed,” the connection read.

“People are urged to debar the area.

“Inquiries are continuing successful narration to the incidental and determination are nary further details.”

More to come.

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