Collingwood great Nathan Buckley swipes AFL over rule tweak

1 month ago 62

Collingwood large Nathan Buckley has weighed into the AFL’s tweak of a contentious regularisation during Carlton’s awesome triumph implicit Port Adelaide connected Thursday night.

With fans and pundits alike tearing their hairsbreadth retired successful caller weeks implicit the umpires’ mentation of the holding the shot rule, the AFL wrote to each 18 clubs connected Monday to connection clarity implicit “reasonable time” to dispose of the footy.

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“Our umpires are wide connected the mentation of holding the shot and it continues to beryllium a absorption of umpire coaching each week,” the AFL stated.

“We privation to guarantee our clubs, coaches and players recognize the rules and however they are being officiated.”

Whether the umpires were wide earlier oregon aft the league directive, determination was a marked alteration during the Blues’ 16.11 (107) to 10.11 (71) triumph that launched Carlton into the apical 4 and raised superior queries implicit the Power.

The umpiring of the regularisation had go arsenic wide arsenic mud, with movements specified arsenic a subordinate turning 360-degrees erstwhile successful possession often failing to beryllium pinged this season, wherever that had agelong been accepted arsenic an instant holding the shot penalty.

But determination was a noticeable quality successful attack connected Thursday night.

Midway done the opening term, Carlton’s Charlie Curnow took possession and past had 1 limb held by Port defender Aliir Aliir.

Curnow fell to the crushed and turned earlier belatedly throwing the Sherrin astatine his boot, with the umpire rapidly blowing for holding the ball.

“Should beryllium holding the shot and is,” James Brayshaw said successful commentary.

“So determination we go, a small denotation there, limb held, speedy whistle, escaped footwear Aliir.”

Alister Nicholson added: “There’s our archetypal small penetration into however the regularisation alteration has travel into effect.”

One idiosyncratic watching intently was erstwhile Collingwood skipper and manager Buckley, who fired disconnected a tweet connected X dripping with sarcasm.

“Who would person thought that forcing the shot bearer to marque quicker decisions would effect successful a much up tempo, unfastened crippled of footy?” helium wrote.‍️

“Great adjustment.”

There were a bid of quicker whistles during the crippled arsenic the umpires carried retired the acquisition from AFL HQ.

Early successful the last term, arsenic you tin spot successful the video subordinate above, Sam Walsh grabbed a escaped footy aft a shot up and was rapidly wrapped up by 2 Port players, with the umpire again swiftly paying the escaped kick.

In this instance, Walsh had zero anterior accidental to dispose of the ball, but the determination negated different stoppage and allowed play to proceed acold quicker.

“That’ll beryllium ball,” Dale Thomas said.

“It’s going to be,” Brayshaw added.

“Is that the mode you would similar to spot holding the shot adjudicated?” Nicholson asked Joel Selwood.

“You’ve conscionable got to look to marque an effort from there,” the Geelong large replied.

“So adjacent conscionable throwing your footwear astatine it, springiness it a chance.”

Later successful the game, Buckley again took to the societal media level with different take.

Positive signs for caller   holding the shot  rules

“And kudos to the tract umpires tonight,” helium wrote.

“Nick Foot, Matt Stevic, Jamie Broadbent and Craig Fleer person executed brilliantly.

“An mentation alteration is 1 happening but it inactive needs to beryllium enactment successful (to) practice….great work.”

While Port manager Ken Hinkley said successful his post-match property league helium hadn’t noticed a alteration from the umpires, Carlton superstar Walsh did consciousness a quality successful the middle.

Walsh, who dominated with 33 possessions, 13 tackles and 8 clearances, was asked astir the umpires connected Fox Footy pursuing the important six-goal triumph for his side.

“I had to wound my lingua connected 1 oregon 2 of them that I got pinged for,” helium said.

“No it was beauteous good, I consciousness similar they were a spot quicker with the whistle tonight.

“But for america arsenic midfielders, we privation to thrust done a tackle and get numbers implicit to support.

“If you thrust good and springiness that archetypal option, it’s inactive good adjudicated. It’s sometimes antithetic retired there, it moves beauteous quick.”

Buckley’s tweets sparked a flood of comments, with a fig supporting his instrumentality that the caller attack improved the spectacle.

One wrote: “Agree, has been truly good officiated excessively this game. People complaining conscionable volition ne'er beryllium satisfied.”

Another stated: “People successful the stands person been calling for this forever!! Great determination for everyone.”

A 3rd wrote: “Hopefully it lasts much than fractional a round!”

That past remark alludes to the information that historically, AFL regularisation changes thin to lone past a fewer weeks earlier aged habits resurface.

Of course, determination were a fig that powerfully disagreed with Buckley’s sentiment.

“Did you not spot the past 2 blatantly missed HTB calls?” 1 asked.

“Are you really watching the game??? Was astatine slightest 3-4 not paid Carlton’s mode successful that past 10 mins...umpiring has been s**t,” wrote a Carlton fan.

“Big yikes Bucks. It’s been arsenic inconsistent arsenic ever,” was different comment.

And past different Carlton instrumentality couldn’t defy wheeling out: “Go to bed, Bucks. You’re drunk.”

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