Cooper Johns’ almost honey trapped in Las Vegas limo scam

4 months ago 34

As the saying goes, what happens successful Vegas, stays successful Vegas.

That is unless you’re a ex-NRL footballer moving for Sydney’s biggest vigor amusement similar erstwhile Manly subordinate Cooper Johns.

The lone spot to ticker some games of the Las Vegas opening double-header unrecorded is Fox League, disposable connected Kayo. New to Kayo? Start your escaped proceedings contiguous >

Having called an extremity to his NRL vocation astatine the property of conscionable 24 to articulation KIIS FM’s vigor behemoth The Kyle and Jackie O Show successful January meant Johns wouldn’t miss retired connected the NRL’s archetypal season-opening treble header successful Las Vegas.

While his erstwhile squad volition opened proceedings against the South Sydney Rabbitohs connected Sunday (Australian time), Johns has been retired and astir for the vigor show, getting contented from the Vegas Strip up of the play opener.

NRL stars had been warned of “sex traps” and extortion attempts successful Sin City by Las Vegas constabulary brag Kendall Bell.

The NRL adjacent provided 10 information guards per team.

But that didn’t widen to the media pursuing the game, meaning Johns, the lad of Newcastle champion and Fox Sports property Matthew, was near mostly to his ain devices.

Speaking connected The Kyle and Jackie O Show connected Friday morning, Cooper revealed that helium had astir fallen prey to a chromatic trap.

Johns said he’d “had a fewer schooners” the nighttime earlier and was feeling a spot worse for wear.

Having been hard astatine enactment capturing contented successful his caller relation for the vigor show, the erstwhile NRL first-grader astir landed himself successful a sticky situation, if not for his woman Kenna.

“Last night, I jumped successful a limo connected the mode backmost from the portion and I ended up successful the backmost of a limo with my missus (Kenna Hullick) and 1 of my mates and this miss was already successful the limousine,” Johns said.

“She was conscionable successful determination and said she was mates with the operator truthful the operator conscionable drives her around.

“I was beauteous intoxicated truthful I thought ‘that’s not suspicious astatine all. What a wholly mean happening to beryllium doing?’

“We got to our edifice and she goes ‘do you guys caput if I travel up and usage your toilet?’

“So I’ve gone, truthful naive to it, ‘yeah, travel up and bash a s**t if you privation to bash a s**t’.

“Kenna and my mate are going ‘nah you can’t travel up’.

“Turns retired she was a prostitute and their scam is they effort to weasel their mode into your country and past their pimp oregon thing volition travel to your doorway and effort to extort you for money, saying you hired her.”

Sandilands interjected, saying: “I unrecorded for the time a pimp tries to travel and extort maine for money! He’d get b***h-slapped.”

Jackie added: “And your woman had the consciousness to halt that happening.

Sandilands: “Did she person the consciousness oregon was she c**k-blocking what was going to spell on?”

Johns said: “I privation she wasn’t successful the limo with me, I’ll archer you that overmuch guys. I would person loved to spot wherever it took maine if she wasn’t there.”

Johns said she didn’t look similar a stereotypical escort, adding “I conscionable thought she was into me”.

Where determination was nary harm, nary foul successful the incident, determination person been immoderate scary scenarios for different members of the media truthful acold during the Vegas trip.

A TV newsman was held astatine knifepoint and different squad was surrounded by 3 cars during late-night crosses successful Los Angeles portion covering the Brisbane Broncos up of the historical play opener.

One of the reporters admitted it was “the astir terrifying acquisition of my life”.

Cooper announced his status from rugby league successful January aft helium hadn’t been offered a caller woody by Manly.

He had dipped his toed successful the h2o with regular contributions connected the Kyle and Jackie O Show past twelvemonth but dived successful caput archetypal this year.

Johns was a five-eighth with Manly, playing 8 games successful 2023 connected a bid and proceedings woody with the Sea Eagles. He besides played 11 games for the Melbourne Storm betwixt 2020 and 2022.

His dada Matthew, who played successful Newcastle’s 1997 premiership, has transitioned into a full-time media vocation with Fox League, SEN and his ain Matty Johns podcast aft retiring from rugby league.

Cooper’s uncle Andrew Johns played successful 2 premierships with Newcastle and is the astir caller players to beryllium named a Rugby League Immortal.

Cooper’s member Jack Johns, 26, played 2 games for the Rabbitohs and 14 games for Newcastle earlier announcing helium was leaving the Knights astatine the extremity of the 2023 season.

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