Costco, Trader Joe's, Walmart products recalled amid listeria outbreak

5 months ago 75

A sweeping callback of dairy products linked to a lethal listeria outbreak is expanding to foods sold astatine large retailers including Costco, Trader Joe's and Walmart.

The latest items being recalled see dips, dressings, crockery and taco kits sold astatine the market chains and follows a callback of astir 60 food and dairy products by Modesto, Calif.-based Rizo-López Foods earlier this week. That came arsenic national wellness officials said caller grounds had linked the company's products to a listeria outbreak archetypal detected astir a decennary ago.

At slightest 26 radical successful 11 states person been stricken successful the ongoing outbreak, with the latest unwellness occurring successful December, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. One idiosyncratic died successful California successful 2017, and different fatality occurred successful Texas successful 2020, the CDC said.

The caller recalls besides see products sold astatine Albertson's, Costco, H-E-B and Trader Joe's aft Fresh Creative Foods — a portion of Reser's Fine Foods — recalled assorted dressings, sauces and a thoroughfare taco repast kit (See a database of the recalled food here.)

casecountmap-fromcdc.png Map showing states facing an ongoing listeria outbreak linked to dairy products. U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention

Salad kits sold astatine Costco, Walmart and Winco are besides being recalled because they incorporate Rizo-López cheese, Irwindale, Calif.-based Ready Pac Foods said connected Thursday. The perchance tainted kits were distributed by Ready Pac successful 15,751 cases manufactured betwixt December 2023 done February of this year. 

Additionally, BrightFarms of Irvington, New York, is recalling Southwest Chipotle crockery kits with best-by-dates betwixt Dec. 13, 2023, and Feb. 22, 2024, due to the fact that they incorporate perchance tainted cotija cheese, according to a institution notice posted by the Food and Drug Administration.

The affected food is enclosed wrong the kits and person has a best-by-date done March 27, 2024. The recalled products were sold by retailers successful Delaware, Maine, Maryland, Massachusetts, New Hampshire, New Jersey, New York, North Carolina, Pennsylvania, Vermont, Virginia, and Washington D.C.

The probe into the outbreak is ongoing, according to the FDA.

Consumers are urged to discard the recalled products. Surfaces and containers that came successful interaction with the products should beryllium sanitized, arsenic listeria tin past successful refrigerated environments and spread.

Listeria is astir apt to impact large radical and newborns, radical 65 and older, and those with weakened immune systems, according to the CDC. Infection symptoms typically commencement wrong 2 weeks of eating contaminated nutrient and tin see fever, musculus aches, nausea, tiredness, vomiting and diarrhea. More superior cases whitethorn besides see headache, stiff neck, confusion, nonaccomplishment of equilibrium and convulsions.

Kate Gibson

Kate Gibson is simply a newsman for CBS MoneyWatch successful New York.

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