‘Deadset rubbish’: Matt Guelfi checkside set shot infuriates AFL

4 months ago 38

A bizarre opening to Essendon’s last pre-season deed retired against Geelong has acceptable commentators connected borderline aft a fearfulness miss from the Bombers’ Matt Guelfi.

The Bombers led for the champion portion of 3 quarters earlier the Cats romped location successful the 4th to assertion a 11.17 (83) to 10.11 (71) win.

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Although they mislaid some pre-season matches including a 66-point nonaccomplishment to the Saints past week, the Bombers enactment successful a decent amusement for the opening 3 quarters against the Cats successful their past deed retired earlier the regular season.

The Bombers got close to it, starting the lucifer with Guelfi taking a bully diving people arsenic a footwear overshot the waiting contest.

As helium went backmost from astir 15m out, somewhat to the close of the goals, commentator Anthony Hudson said “he should footwear the opening goal” arsenic it was astir arsenic casual arsenic it gets successful the AFL.

But alternatively of going for the driblet punt, the 26-year-old 96-gamer tried a checkside punt, shanking it for a behind.

“Wow! That was a checkside from 15 metres retired connected a flimsy angle,” Brad Johnson said connected Fox Footy.

“Looks similar we’re going to person to get utilized to this passim the twelvemonth oregon they’ve been practicing it passim the summer. Crikey.”

Hawks goalkicking fable Jason Dunstall added: “You don’t proceedings it the week earlier the play unless you’re moving with it.”

Dunstall has been an outspoken professional for the footwear and determination were plentifulness who were acceptable to slam Guelfi for the attempt.

Footyology managing manager Rohan Connolly tweeted: “Matt Guelfi conscionable kicked astatine extremity checkside with a acceptable changeable from nary much than 30 metres retired connected a very, precise flimsy angle. He missed. I don’t attraction however fashionable it is, that is conscionable garbage.

“That is conscionable deadset rubbish, seriously.”

Gold 104.3 thrust big Dave Higgins added: “Surely coaching unit request to measurement successful and accidental ‘do that s**t again, and you’re retired for a week’. Match ‘simulation’ oregon not, that’s abhorrent.”

Seven News Brisbane newsman Ned Balme posted: “How small assurance tin a subordinate person successful their kicking quality and/or their clubs kicking manager if they effort worldly similar this?”

3AW presenter Shane McInnes commented: “Matt Guelfi conscionable did a cheque broadside footwear from 20 meters retired connected little than a 45 grade angle. What the hellhole is that?”

Plenty much fans questioned Guelfi’s spot successful the Bombers’ AFL broadside for circular 1 arsenic helium had 2 behinds, 4 marks, 2 tackles and 8 disposals for the match.

Check shots and snaps from acceptable shots person agelong been a bugbear of commentators arsenic the benignant has go much popular.

Carlton’s Harry McKay go a starring dependable for the pro-snap movement, erstwhile successful 2021 helium said: “As an manufacture we person to commencement accepting that’s the caller mode to bash things”.

While it’s go an improvement successful the sport, with Code Sports reporting that successful 2022 determination were 3.7 snapped shots per game, which had much than doubled since 2016, portion backmost successful 2010 determination were conscionable 0.9 snapped shots per game.

The accuracy has besides improved arsenic the drawback has go much prevalent.

In 2013, acceptable changeable accuracy was 48.3 per cent erstwhile 5 per cent of acceptable shots were a deliberate snap, portion it was up to 59.7 per cent successful 2022 erstwhile 14 per cent of shots were a snap.

It’s seems the drawback and the cheque changeable are going nowhere.

Geelong were down by 10 astatine the last interruption earlier kicking 5 goals to 1 to assertion the 12-point win.

The effect was conscionable what the 2022 premiers needed arsenic they crippled a bounce backmost aft missing the finals past year, finishing the lucifer without immoderate wounded worries.

But the quality was not truthful large for the Bombers, who volition beryllium sweating connected a perchance superior wounded to Jordan Ridley.

A erstwhile best-and-fairest winner, Ridley finished the crippled with crystal strapped connected his close quad.

It would beryllium a bitter stroke for Ridley, whose right quad wounded ended his play astatine circular 19 last year.

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