DEI hires pushed onto the FBI are putting the country’s safety at risk for the sake of being ‘woke’

1 year ago 132

An alarming deterioration successful recruitment standards for the FBI has been exposed successful a study delivered to the House Judiciary Committee by an confederation of retired and active-duty agents and analysts. 

Diversity, equity and inclusion (DEI) requirements pushed by FBI Director Chris Wray person degraded recruitment standards successful each areas including “physical fitness, illicit cause use, fiscal irregularities, intelligence health, full-time enactment acquisition and integrity,” and airs a menace to the FBI’s quality to support America from harm, accidental the authors. 

The study cites cases of caller agents who are truthful abdominous and unfit, they can’t adjacent walk the caller relaxed standards for fitness; who are illiterate and request remedial English lessons; who don’t privation to enactment weekends oregon aft hours; person superior disabilities oregon mental-health issues, and “create drama.” 

The FBI is nary longer recruiting the “best and brightest” to beryllium peculiar agents, but selecting candidates based connected “race, sex and/or intersexual orientation.” 

The confederation of anonymous FBI reformers includes elder erstwhile executives and agents from the counterintelligence and counterterrorism branches who pass that today’s FBI “lacks the fortitude and skills warranted to decision [existential] threats . . . 

“And if the existent trajectory of FBI Special Agent recruitment and enactment continues — using DEI arsenic the superior and sole measurement — our homeland information efforts volition beryllium importantly hampered.” 

An expanding fig of “lower-quality candidates — described by 1 root arsenic ‘breadcrumbs’ due to the fact that they were rejected by different national law-enforcement agencies” — are applying to go FBI peculiar agents; and are being recruited due to the fact that they “satisfy the FBI’s precedence to conscionable Diversity, Equity and Inclusion mandates.” 

‘Fewer applying’ 

Flying successful the look of Wray’s boast to Congress past twelvemonth that recruitment numbers are soaring, particularly successful reddish states, the study finds that FBI’s special-agent hiring numbers are down, “likely owed to the diminution successful the nation’s spot successful the FBI and a corresponding alteration successful the fig of individuals funny successful applying to the FBI for employment.” 

A erstwhile elder counterintelligence cause progressive with penning the study said controversies engulfing the FBI successful the Trump epoch person had the perverse effect of attracting recruits who privation to beryllium “agents of societal alteration versus protecting the country.” 

Recruitment has go “self-destructive” and is mounting up the FBI for “generational failure.” 

Another erstwhile cause who helped draught the study said: “Why are we backing a caller FBI office if you’re hiring second-rate people?” 

The study is written arsenic if it were an authoritative FBI quality product, with codification names fixed to sources and sub-sources who anonymously provided firsthand cognition of FBI recruitment and enactment practices.

They see instructors and counselors astatine the FBI Academy successful Quantico, Va., exertion coordinators and assessors from FBI tract offices crossed the country, and supervisors and executives from FBI Headquarters successful Washington, DC. 

They uncover a farcical concern with caller recruits: 

Veteran supervisor peculiar cause SIERRA 72 disqualified a achromatic pistillate applicant due to the fact that she was much than 50 pounds overweight utilizing the FBI’s body-fat scale and could not walk the carnal fittingness test.

But FBI HQ ordered SIERRA 72 to propulsion the campaigner done the recruitment process. 

Other supervisors accidental a precocious percent of candidates neglect the mandatory fittingness test, contempt the information that standards person been relaxed.

They “simply discontinue successful the mediate of the 1.5-mile run.” 

One seasoned cause who works arsenic a recruitment coordinator, codenamed SIER­RA 87, said the cause argumentation for caller agents has been “liberalized to see applicants who had a manner of utilizing drugs.” 

A campaigner who “was arrested and fought with constabulary officers” was not disqualified. Nor are candidates with driving-under-the-influence convictions, oregon radical with “documented intelligence illness.”

Nor are candidates who prevarication during the recruitment process. 

SIERRA 72 disqualified a special-agent applicant due to the fact that their lone enactment acquisition was “working 2 years arsenic a coffee-shop barista and having a bachelor’s grade successful creation history.”

But FBI HQ ordered SIERRA 72 to propulsion the applicant through. 

SIERRA 23, a peculiar cause for 4 years successful counterterrorism, observed that astir caller agents “disappear during the day, spell location early, oregon ne'er privation to enactment precocious for after-hours operations. SIERRA 23 does not spot astir of the agents with his/her beingness since they person questionable competence, tactical abilities and enactment ethic.” 

SIERRA 22 said 1 applicant precocious rejected by a section constabulary section and 1 who was a semipermanent unemployed “gamer” were pushed done by FBI HQ for non-special-agent positions contempt objections from the tract office. 

Other recruits person to beryllium fixed remedial English classes due to the fact that they are not susceptible of penning basal reports “in a coherent mode [and] often neglect to utilize due capitalization, punctuation and condemnation structure.” 

In 1 case, grooming cause SIERRA 11 “advised a caller cause that his/her penning skills needed betterment and that the caller cause needed to wage attraction to detail.”

The caller cause complained to the supervisor that SIERRA 11 was “too hard and expecting excessively much.” 

A pistillate number enlistee “could not constitute a elemental FD-302,” the modular FBI interrogation report,” said SIERRA 79, a transgression researcher of 4 decades.

“The cause ne'er made a lawsuit oregon wrote an affidavit and had to beryllium pulled on to enactment investigations [and] could not beryllium trusted successful court.”

During the agent’s probationary period, her supervisor went up the concatenation of bid to petition that her employment beryllium terminated but was told “we request number pistillate agents.” 

An FBI-agent enlistee “stuttered and appeared to person Tourette syndrome oregon different tic upset that hindered [his/her] quality to communicate,” said SIERRA 32, a seasoned supervisor astatine the academy who wondered however this enlistee “would relation successful a high-threat, hostile environment.” 

Ivy League graduates were being hired caller retired of assemblage and placed successful high-level positions to bash “strategic readying . . . liable for establishing policy, procedures and goals with counterproductive results.” 

Recruiters are required to big “Diversity Applicant Recruitment” events based connected race, sex and intersexual orientation.

“Straight achromatic males whitethorn not attend. If a recruiter chose not to be a Pride Parade oregon alert the Pride emblem . . . the recruiter would astir apt beryllium removed immediately.” 

The study urges the House Judiciary Committee to bid a 90-day audit of the FBI’s recruitment practices, to present authorities to fortify the oath of bureau for FBI peculiar agents, and to telephone Director Wray to attest earlier Congress implicit whether helium is “willfully lying to conceal important deficiencies” successful recruitment oregon has been misinformed by subordinates. 

A spokesperson for committee Chairman Jim Jordan said the sheet was evaluating the report: 

“We are thankful that these brave FBI officials person travel guardant with this study that described immoderate of the ridiculous things happening astatine the bureau. We volition proceed to enactment with these officials . . . truthful we tin further instrumentality the due legislative changes.” 

The authors privation to stay anonymous due to the fact that those inactive serving cognize they volition beryllium “crushed” similar whistleblowers earlier them, says 1 of the authors. 

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