Disgraced footy great to fight child sex assault case

1 month ago 70

Disgraced erstwhile AFL fable Barry Cable volition combat allegations helium sexually assaulted a young miss decades ago.

The 80-year-old pleaded not blameworthy astatine Perth Magistrates Court connected Thursday to 5 counts of unlawfully oregon indecently dealing with a miss aged nether 13.

The erstwhile WAFL and VFL large besides pleaded not blameworthy to 2 counts of unlawful carnal cognition of a miss of the aforesaid age.

Police allege Mr Cable sexually assaulted the miss betwixt January 1, 1967 and April 27, 1968 erstwhile she was aged betwixt 9 and 10-years-old.

The allegations travel astir a twelvemonth aft a justice successful a civilian lawsuit ruled Mr Cable was a pedophile and awarded the pb plaintiff damages of much than $800,000.

Five women gave grounds during the lengthy civilian trial. None of them is the complainant successful the much caller transgression proceedings.

Despite the ruling, the pb plaintiff’s lawyers since claimed it was improbable she would person the wealth arsenic Mr Cable had declared bankruptcy earlier the trial.

The erstwhile AFL Hall of Famer won back-to-back WAFL premierships successful 1967 and 1968 and would person been aged 24 astatine the clip of the alleged offences.

Following the civilian finds against him, Mr Cable was stripped of his spot connected the Sport Australia Hall of Fame, AFL Hall of Fame, and WAFL Hall of Fame.

North Melbourne besides removed him from their Hall of Fame, arsenic did the WA Institute of Sport Hall of Champions.

Mr Cable volition reappear earlier Perth Magistrates Court connected August 8 for a committal mention.

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