Disney sued after, family says, NYU doctor died from allergic reaction to meal

4 months ago 49

Disney facing suit aft household says NYU doc died from allergic absorption

Disney facing suit aft household says NYU doc died from allergic reaction 00:57

NEW YORK -- The hubby of a precocious NYU doc is suing Disney after, helium says, his woman died from an allergic reaction. 

According to the lawsuit, Dr. Kanokporn Tangsuan, 42, ate astatine Raglan Road edifice successful Disney Springs backmost successful October. She told the waiter she was highly allergic to dairy and nuts, and the waiter guaranteed the unit would hole allergen-free food.

However, the suit states that she died soon aft and had elevated levels of dairy and nuts successful her system.

The suit seeks much than $50,000 successful damages nether from some Raglan Road and Disney under Florida's Wrongful Death Act.

CBS New York spoke to an adept astir what needs to beryllium done to forestall this from happening.

"There has to beryllium much training. We request to enactment with the edifice manufacture to amended hole the room unit and hold staff. That mode these kinds of things nary longer happen," said Sung Poblete, CEO of Food Allergy Research and Education.

In a statement, NYU Langone said, "We are saddened by her passing and our deepest condolences are with her family."

CBS New York reached retired to Disney for a response, but did not instantly perceive back.

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