‘Don’t you dare’: Corey Parker’s wife dishes on NRL great’s gross wedding night act

1 month ago 64

The woman of Brisbane Broncos fable Corey Parker has revealed the gross enactment the erstwhile NRL prima did connected their wedding night.

The 42-year-old Parker was a seasoned of 347 NRL matches each for the Brisbane Broncos arsenic good arsenic 19 State of Origin games for Queensland and 13 Tests for Australia.

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Post-career, Parker has been portion of the media arsenic a subordinate of Fox League.

However, he’s not the lone subordinate of his household successful the nationalist oculus with his woman Margaux a Brisbane vigor personality, making up one-third of Triple M Brisbane’s Breakfast with Marto, Margaux and Dan.

During a call-in conception connected Thursday sparked by co-host Greg Martin having eaten a bacon and ovum wrapper retired of his bin, Margaux revealed a somewhat akin communicative from her 2008 wedding nighttime with the NRL great.

“I’ve got a communicative from our wedding night,” Margaux began. “My husband, arsenic we were coming down the hallway of the edifice to participate our room, idiosyncratic had near their country work retired successful beforehand of their country erstwhile they’d finished with it.

“Corey picked up and ate fractional an already eaten BLT sandwich.

“I said ‘don’t you dare’ and helium picked it up, enactment that small metallic tray backmost down connected the happening and picked up the BLT and munched into it.”

“On your wedding night?” her co-hosts asked.

“On our wedding night,” she replied.

“Then proceeded to spell backmost down to the country and get onto the country work and to marque an bid … until I came retired successful my aft the wedding outfit and past helium said ‘I’m going to person to telephone you backmost mate, I’ll get that BLT later’.”

As her co-hosts laughed, she added: “He ate idiosyncratic else’s country work that had already been fractional consumed. What an animal!”

Margaux’s co-host Dan Anstey chimed in: “Of each the places a communicative astir a rugby league subordinate could spell successful a hallway, that’s the champion mode somehow.”

The rogue enactment didn’t scare Margaux away, however, with the brace having had 4 children unneurotic successful their 15-year marriage.

The brace besides renewed their wedding vows connected their 15th wedding day past November.

In a station connected Instagram, Margaux revealed she had organised the astonishment truthful the brace could accidental “we inactive do”.

“I emotion you much than I could person ever imagined I could each those years agone and I americium truthful grateful for the beingness we person built together. I americium truthful arrogant of our children and the roles we play arsenic their parents unneurotic we are a large team!” she wrote.

Corey shared a video connected Instagram aft the event, writing: “Better together. Nothing amended than the astir astonishing surprise. Getting to bash this each implicit again with my beauteous kids volition beryllium thing I volition ne'er forget.”

Parker has besides proven to beryllium a fashionable pundit and made waves earlier this twelvemonth erstwhile helium made the admittance helium had “no doubt” helium is suffering symptoms of chronic traumatic encephalopathy (CTE).

“This CTE, it’s the connection that evidently gets thrown astir and rightly so, it is real,” Parker said.

“I person nary uncertainty whatsoever implicit my tenure arsenic a rugby league subordinate that I person symptoms, I person symptoms of CTE.

“But it’s thing that you can’t truly get a grasp connected until evidently post-mortem. You tin effort and negociate antithetic things, but the harm is done, isn’t it.”

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