Elon Musk to meet Benjamin Netanyahu in Silicon Valley to discuss AI as X faces antisemitism controversy

10 months ago 60

Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu will conscionable X proprietor Elon Musk on Monday successful Silicon Valley, an authoritative in Netanyahu’s bureau said Thursday, and Musk said their talks would absorption connected artificial quality technology.

Netanyahu was already scheduled to sojourn California adjacent week earlier traveling to New York for the UN General Assembly. The Israeli authoritative confirmed the gathering with Musk, first reported by the Washington Post but offered nary further details.

In Silicon Valley, Netanyahu may effort to bolster relations with executives successful the high-tech sector, a cardinal operator of Israel’s economy.

During his trip, it was unclear whether Netanyahu would conscionable with President Biden, who has expressed interest astir a judicial overhaul undertaken by Netanyahu and his right-wing government.

Hate code connected X, formerly known arsenic Twitter, has accrued dramatically since Musk bought the tract past twelvemonth and loosened safeguards astir contented moderation.

Last week, Musk said US advertisement gross had declined by 60%.

The gathering is the latest measurement successful a run by Musk’s Jewish friends and allies to stave disconnected the mounting disapproval surrounding the summation successful antisemitic code connected X, the Post said, citing 5 radical acquainted with the situation.

 Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu In Silicon Valley, Benjamin Netanyahu may effort to bolster relations with executives successful the high-tech sector, a cardinal operator of Israel’s economy.U. Baumgarten via Getty Images
Elon MuskThe gathering is the latest measurement successful a run by Musk’s Jewish friends and allies to stave disconnected the mounting disapproval surrounding the summation successful antisemitic code connected X, The Washington Post reported.Ron Sachs – CNP / MEGA

The White House did not instantly respond to Reuters requests for comment.

Musk besides declined comment, but connected X helium said that the gathering was scheduled weeks agone and would absorption connected artificial quality technology.

Civil rights groups, including the Center for Countering Digital Hate and the Anti-Defamation League, person issued findings that the measurement of hatred code connected X has grown dramatically nether the stewardship of Musk, who is besides the CEO of electrical carmaker Tesla.

In December, the ADL noted some an summation successful antisemitic contented connected the level and a alteration successful the moderation of antisemitic posts since Musk took over.

The Center for Countering Digital Hate said the regular usage of a radical slur against Black radical under Musk was triple the 2022 mean and slurs against cheery men and trans persons were up 58% and 62%, respectively.

Without providing evidence, Musk has blamed critics for the slump successful advertisement revenue. He has pointed the digit specifically astatine unit from the ADL, which helium has started to pejoratively notation to arsenic the “Defamation League,” including successful his connection connected X connected Thursday.

Anti-Defamation League logoCivil rights groups, including the Center for Countering Digital Hate and the Anti-Defamation League, person issued findings that the measurement of hatred code connected X has grown dramatically nether the stewardship of Musk

Earlier this month, Musk joined a speech connected X with the hashtag #BantheADL, embraced by achromatic nationalists and antisemites, and asked followers whether helium should canvass the level astir it. He engaged successful exchanges with users who expressed antisemitic viewpoints during the discussion.

X’s caller contented moderation argumentation has made it challenging to person brands that the societal media level was harmless for ads, the company’s erstwhile caput of marque information and advertisement prime AJ Brown told Reuters successful an interrogation this month.

Biden has not met with Netanyahu since the Israeli person took bureau for a sixth word successful precocious December. Biden has held disconnected extending the invitation retired of interest about Netanyahu’s judicial overhaul arsenic good arsenic Israel’s enlargement of Jewish settlements successful the West Bank.

Foreign concern successful Israeli tech startups has plunged successful the past year, partially owed to a planetary slowdown and exacerbated by capitalist fears that the propulsion to trim the Supreme Court’s powers would region a cardinal cheque and balance.

With overseas flows down sharply, the shekel has weakened by astir 9% versus the dollar this year.

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