Ex-Trump campaign legal adviser has Colorado law license suspended for 3 years

1 month ago 77

Former Trump allies attest against him

Former Trump allies attest against him successful Georgia predetermination case 02:46

Washington — Jenna Ellis, who served arsenic a ineligible advisor to erstwhile President Donald Trump during the 2020 election, is barred from practicing instrumentality successful the authorities of Colorado for 3 years, according to an statement reached with authorities ineligible regulators.

Under the woody approved Tuesday by a presiding disciplinary justice of the Colorado Supreme Court, Ellis' suspension of her instrumentality licence takes effect July 2. The disciplinary proceedings stemmed from Ellis' indictment successful Fulton County, Georgia, for her alleged relation successful a strategy to overturn the results of the 2020 statesmanlike predetermination successful the state. She, Trump and 17 others were initially charged successful the sprawling racketeering case brought by Fulton County prosecutors past August.

Ellis pleaded guilty successful October to a azygous felony complaint of aiding and abetting mendacious statements and penning successful usurpation of Georgia instrumentality and was sentenced to 5 years probation. The complaint was connected to mendacious statements astir the predetermination made by then-Trump lawyer Rudy Giuliani and different Trump run lawyer earlier a Georgia Senate subcommittee successful December 2020.

A Colorado native, Ellis faced disbarment successful the authorities and had been censured in March 2023 arsenic a effect of baseless claims she made astir the integrity of the 2020 predetermination portion serving arsenic a ineligible advisor to Trump and his campaign. The erstwhile president and his allies had falsely claimed that the predetermination was rigged against him, though determination was nary grounds of wide elector fraud.

The stipulation entered into by Colorado's Office of Attorney Regulation Counsel and Ellis noted that portion "disbarment is the presumptive sanction" for her misconduct, "it is important that her transgression culpability was owed to her behaviour arsenic an accessory, not arsenic a principal."

In a missive dated May 22 that was written by Ellis arsenic portion of the stipulation, she said she wanted to explicit "deep remorse" for her behaviour surrounding the 2020 predetermination and was "wrong to beryllium involved" successful activities that dispersed baseless claims that the past statesmanlike contention was rife with elector fraud.

"I admit that I was overly zealous successful believing the 'facts' being peddled to enactment the challenge, which were manufactured and false," Ellis wrote. "Had I done my work successful investigating these alleged facts earlier promoting them arsenic the truth, I bash not judge I would beryllium here. I turned a unsighted oculus to the anticipation that elder lawyers for the Trump Campaign were embracing claims they knew oregon should person known were false. I conscionable went on with it. I was wrong."

She said that millions of Americans person been "misled" by what she said was the "cynical" run to overturn the results of the 2020 election.

"For ideology to relation and thrive, the radical person to judge that their votes number and that the electoral strategy is fair. This is what 'election integrity' should mean, alternatively than what it has go for many: a governmental connection of 'loyalty,'" Ellis wrote. "This religion successful the integrity of our elections was damaged. That is the harm."

She said she "gratefully accepts" the three-year suspension for practicing instrumentality successful the authorities of Colorado and reiterated her regret for becoming progressive successful spreading mendacious claims astir the election.

Melissa Quinn

Melissa Quinn is simply a authorities newsman for CBSNews.com. She has written for outlets including the Washington Examiner, Daily Signal and Alexandria Times. Melissa covers U.S. politics, with a absorption connected the Supreme Court and national courts.

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