Family of NYC tot who died after inhaling fentanyl at day care hires attorney; siblings now afraid to go to school, dad says

8 months ago 40

The heartbroken dada of the 1-year-old lad who died aft inhaling fentanyl astatine a Bronx time attraction halfway that served arsenic a beforehand for a cause mill has hired an lawyer – and said Monday that his 4 different kids don’t privation to spell to schoolhouse due to the fact that they’re present frightened they won’t marque it home.

“They don’t privation to dice successful school,” Otoniel Feliz, the dada of tragic tot Nicholas Feliz Dominici, told reporters portion joined by his lawyer, Jeffrey Chartier, extracurricular the household location successful Kingsbridge.

“All my 4 kids don’t privation to spell to schoolhouse due to the fact that they don’t privation the aforesaid arsenic Nicholas [to hap to them],” helium continued. “It’s truly hard … we are each heartbroken.”

Feliz, a play people attraction idiosyncratic successful Westchester County, said his small lad had lone been going to Divino Nino Daycare adjacent for a week earlier his decease connected Friday.

“The drugs … this is dangerous,” helium said. “My lad died. But it tin beryllium yours.”

Two radical – Grei Mendez De Ventura, 36, the daycare’s proprietor, and her cousin-in-law Caristo Acevedo Brito, 41 – were arrested Sunday and charged with execution for Dominici’s death. Cops are inactive hunting for Ventura’s husband, who lived with her adjacent doorway to the center.

Otoniel Feliz, the dada  of deceased 1-year-old Nicholas Feliz Dominici.Otoniel Feliz, the dada of deceased 1-year-old Nicholas Feliz Dominici, said his 4 different kids are frightened to spell to schoolhouse aft their brother’s death. G.N.Miller/NYPost
Otoniel Feliz embraces his woman  aft  the decease  of their small  lad   connected  Friday.Otoniel Feliz embraces his woman aft the decease of their small lad connected Friday.CBS NY

Fentanyl, the almighty opioid – which is astatine slightest 50 times stronger than heroin – was being chopped up for merchantability astatine the time attraction center, allowing it to interval into the aerial and get into the kids’ lungs, authorities said.

Three different children – 2 2-year-old boys and an 8-month-old miss – stay hospitalized aft they were likewise exposed, authorities said.

On Monday, Mayor Eric Adams said the 3 different children were saved utilizing naloxone, the overdose-reversal cause commonly known by its marque name, Narcan.

A household  photograph  during happier times. The household during happier times, earlier small Nicholas inhaled fentanyl astatine his Bronx daycare center.Otoniel Feliz/Instagram

“It’s a calamity – and it’s a preventable tragedy, which is the worst,” Chartier, the Feliz household attorney, told The Post.

“The saddest happening is, you entrust your children’s payment with people, and they interruption that spot and origin the decease of your kid – there’s thing worse,” helium added.

Caristo Acevedo Brito, 41.Caristo Acevedo Brito, 41, during his perp walk. He’s been charged with murder, on with respective different crimes. TOMAS E. GASTON
Grei Mendez De Ventura, 36, the daycare's proprietor. Grei Mendez De Ventura, 36, the daycare’s proprietor, was stone-faced during her perp walk. She has besides been charged with murder, among different things. TOMAS E. GASTON
Mayor Adams astatine  a property   conference. Mayor Adams said 3 different kids were saved with Narcan. NYPD/Facebook

The household recovered the time attraction halfway done a section assemblage center, their lawyer said.

And Feliz said they filled retired a batch of paperwork to marque definite it was a bully fit.

“Parents are expected to instrumentality attraction of their kids, and erstwhile we spot them to bash the aforesaid – things weren’t equal,” helium said.

“These are things that aren’t expected to happen.”

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