Geri Halliwell ‘utterly humiliated’ as Christian Horner details emerge

4 months ago 43

Geri Halliwell was near “heartbroken and humiliated” aft hundreds of sexts sent by hubby Christian Horner to a pistillate worker were leaked.

The Spice Girl, 51, touched down successful Bahrain connected Thursday nighttime (Friday AEDT) conscionable arsenic the bombshell messages began to dispersed astir the globe, The Sun reports.

She is readying to beryllium by the Red Bull F1 chief’s broadside connected the pre-race Grand Prix grid successful a nationalist amusement of solidarity.

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But sources said she has been near “distraught and devastated” implicit the scandal, which Horner, 50, had repeatedly played down.

The devastating trove of texts sent anonymously to F1 bosses and media outlets confirmed Horner did nonstop inappropriate messages down Geri’s back, contempt being cleared successful a Red Bull probe.

A root adjacent to the popular star, who was connected a Bahrain-bound backstage pitchy erstwhile the messages emerged, told The Sun: “Geri is heartbroken and feels utterly humiliated. She trusted him erstwhile helium tried to play down the scandal.

“He ever told her he’d done thing wrong. This volition truly wounded Geri, who has enactment everything into their marriage.”

Meanwhile, The Sun has learned that Geri knew of the pistillate worker astatine the centre of the texting scandal.

A Red Bull insider said she adjacent approved of the pistillate moving successful Horner’s team.

It was besides claimed the worker was “unhappy” aft the messages were leaked and believed the probe into his behaviour had been “one-sided”.

A person said: “We talk each time and she’s precise unhappy – of course. In her mode of reasoning it’s each precise one-sided and she has been crucified.”

Horner was snapped astatine a signifier league successful Bahrain with operator Max Verstappen making preparations up of qualifying.

It was reported that the Red Bull main – who has won 13 satellite titles since heading the squad arsenic a 31-year-old successful 2005 – had been hauled successful for situation talks with F1 bosses.

The hostility was palpable down successful the paddock, with Red Bull squad members avoiding mentioning the simmering scandal, different than the unusual whisper.

Horner was seen pacing from the hospitality country to the team’s garage, stopping lone to cheque his telephone and to motion autographs for waiting children.

An F1 root said Red Bull workers fearfulness determination mightiness beryllium much leaked messages to come.

The squad brag refused to remark connected the leaked WhatsApp sexts.

Last nighttime immoderate of the grubby messages were reported, including a petition for a “Santa PJ selfie”. He besides regularly joked astir Spanx, telling the pistillate she looks “attractive” successful them.

In another, Horner starts by asking: “Can I marque a confession?” He past describes a travel connected a backstage pitchy to Dubai wherever helium claims that the pistillate got him “out of control”.

She cuts him disconnected by guessing that helium had to nip to the bathroom.

He confirms her suspicions and says helium would person preferred it if she had been determination with him. Horner besides pesters the pistillate for photos.

In different exchange, the brace person an guiltless treatment astir a photograph for a question document. Horner past writes “you could nonstop maine a pic”, followed by a winking look emoji.

At 1 constituent the pistillate worker asked her brag however helium would consciousness if Geri were to connection idiosyncratic successful the mode helium was.

Horner besides repeatedly asks the pistillate — who works with him astatine Red Bull’s Milton Keynes HQ – to delete their chat history.

The pistillate seemingly grew bushed of her boss’s pleas for pictures and sexy chat, according to the WhatsApp dossier.

The leak appeared to beryllium successful enactment with the archetypal accusation implicit alleged “sexually suggestive” messages sent by Horner.

It was aboriginal claimed that the interior enquiry into the squad brag was into “controlling and coercive” behaviour towards the woman.

On Thursday, aft the messages were leaked, defiant Horner said successful a statement: “I won’t remark connected anonymous speculation, but to reiterate, I person ever denied the allegations.

“I respected the integrity of the autarkic probe and afloat co-operated with it each measurement of the way.

“It was a thorough and just probe conducted by an autarkic specializer barrister and it has concluded, dismissing the ailment made.”

There is nary proposition that pictures featuring intersexual contented are included successful the leaked WhatApp messages.

This nonfiction primitively appeared successful The Sun and was reproduced with permission

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