Germany's authorities is considering ways to enactment automaker Volkswagen (VW), Economy Minister Robert Habeck said connected Thursday.
Habeck, who is besides Germany's vice chancellor, made the comments successful effect to a question astir the menace of occupation cuts astatine the firm.
What did Habeck accidental astir imaginable enactment for VW?
"VW is of cardinal value to Germany," Habeck told reporters successful the metropolis of Papenburg successful the state of Lower Saxony.
Habeck is scheduled to sojourn a VW works successful Emden, besides successful Lower Saxony, connected Friday.
Government sources said that the Economy Ministry was considering however to address anemic electrical conveyance sales. Sales of electrical vehicles collapsed aft the authorities stopped subsidizing them.
The ministry said that automobile relation VDA, the IG Metall Union, car manufacturers and suppliers volition instrumentality portion successful a German car acme connected Monday.
VW mulls German occupation cuts, mill closures arsenic income plummet
VW sees driblet successful nett net amid anemic e-vehicle sales
VW reported a 14% driblet successful nett net successful the archetypal fractional of the year. The situation has besides affected the nett net of BMW, which fell by astir 15%, and Mercedes-Benz, which fell by astir 16%.
The carmaker has terminated its decades-old occupation information statement with unions successful Germany, and plant closures and layoffs are connected the table.
Also connected Thursday, VW denied a media study that it is readying to laic disconnected up to 30,000 people.
sdi/jsi (Reuters, dpa)