Hawks recruit explains ‘f***ing rollercoaster’ exit from Collingwood

3 months ago 83

Hawthorn guardant Jack Ginnivan needed conscionable 3 words to encapsulate his Collingwood tenure: “a f***ing rollercoaster”.

The 2023 Magpies premiership subordinate discussed his clip astatine Olympic Park and previewed his upcoming clash with his aged broadside — lamenting the Gather Round mounting successful which it is acceptable to instrumentality place.

Ginnivan’s candid commentary came via a Tommy Talks podcast episode that was released conscionable anterior to the Hawks’ Easter Monday conflict with Geelong.

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In the 36-point decision to the Cats, the 21-year-old managed a extremity from 11 disposals, but it was the lack of free-kick leniency afforded to him by the umpires that drew the loudest reactions.

AFL enforcement wide manager of shot Laura Kane connected Tuesday day admitted responsibility connected behalf of the league regarding the officiating of Ginnivan connected Monday.

“We’ve assessed each tackles oregon contests that progressive Jack Ginnivan,” she told AFL Media. “It is just to accidental that a mates of those weren’t officiated correctly and we missed a few.”

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This Sunday astatine Adelaide Oval, the livewire guardant volition travel up against his aged side.

While Ginnivan claims helium doesn’t get nervous, the imaginable of a matchup with his erstwhile flag-winning teammates mightiness person him feeling butterflies.

“Yeah, possibly (I volition beryllium nervous),” Ginnivan chuckled, speaking to Tommy Talks.

“I was with Isaac (Quaynor) past nighttime — he’ll astir apt travel and play connected maine ... It’s going to beryllium a truly good, amusive clip playing against them.

“I’ve evidently made truthful galore mates determination and friendships for life, arsenic they ever say, erstwhile you triumph a emblem together. So, yeah, I’ll decidedly beryllium pumped for that.”

However, helium wasn’t a instrumentality of the AFL’s determination to docket the much-anticipated clash successful Adelaide during Gather Round.

“They astir apt should’ve enactment it astatine the ‘G successful beforehand of (a assemblage of) 90,000 but they chose Gather Round for immoderate crushed — connected a Sunday astatine (5:10pm AEDT),” Ginnivan lamented.

“It’ll beryllium good, but it would’ve been amended astatine the ‘G. Maybe successful a final.”

Asked by big Tommy Sheridan to sum up his clip successful achromatic and white, ‘Ginni’ had a abbreviated but telling archetypal effect earlier going into much detail.

“Yeah, 3 years astatine the Pies ... In a fewer words, (it was) a f***ing rollercoaster,” laughed Ginnivan.

“But, like, (it was) an astonishing journey. Covid, (my) archetypal crippled (had) nary assemblage and past lone playing 5 games, kicking a fewer goals, truly uncovering my feet precocious and past the play ends.

“Big pre-season (the adjacent year), truly spell hard connected myself, and past successful Round 1 (there was) the Go-Pro stuff, kicked a fewer goals past I dyed my hair. Then (I won the) ANZAC Day Medal and (I was in) each quality article, each azygous time for astir apt 10 weeks.”

After bursting onto the country and playing 23 elder games successful 2022, Ginnivan managed conscionable 14 successful ‘23 — including 5 arsenic the substitute.

“From that 2022 play wherever we mislaid the prelim, I was truthful mentally drained and I astir apt got carried distant successful the off-season,” helium said.

“I didn’t truly bid arsenic overmuch arsenic I should’ve and got amended similar radical were astir me. You can’t halt successful the AFL, you’ve got to support going due to the fact that truthful galore radical astir you are getting better, and if you’re not getting amended radical are going to drawback up to you quickly.”

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Ginnivan explained the well-documented evening helium spent astatine Moonee Valley earlier the 2023 Grand Final, saying helium didn’t deliberation it should’ve been made into a large deal.

“I didn’t person a equine running. I was astir apt conscionable reasoning astir the Grand Final a batch during the week,” Ginnivan said.

“Me and my mate went determination astatine 6:30pm and got location astatine 9:30pm. Like, it wasn’t truly that large of a woody ... There was thing truly to it, I conscionable wanted to get my caput disconnected (playing successful the Grand Final) and I was location dormant astatine 9:30pm successful bed, feeling cherry the adjacent day.

“And, of course, the media conscionable carries connected astir it. But for me, that didn’t truly substance — the mentation was going to beryllium the aforesaid if I was location oregon if I was there. I was going to beryllium sitting connected the couch, slumped.

“It was astir apt amended to spell retired and conscionable speech to radical and I didn’t deliberation astir footy once. So, looking back, I don't deliberation it was a mistake from my (point of view), but astir apt conscionable however radical perceived it. It didn’t look great, which would beryllium the lone happening I would change.”

Ginnivan said nary fuss was made astir the evening successful question astatine Collingwood until manager Craig McRae’s “read the room” quip post-game and a telling exit gathering that the now-Hawk didn’t stock excessively overmuch about.

“Nothing truly came of it until Fly’s property league and my exit meeting, and that was benignant of erstwhile I knew that I astir apt should leave,” Ginnivan said.

“I had the exit gathering with ‘Fly’ and a fewer things successful determination were a spot ... So that was a spot eye-opening, that exit meeting.”

On October 18 past year, Collingwood and Hawthorn agreed to an speech involving Jack Ginnivan and a big of aboriginal draught picks, with the erstwhile Bendigo Pioneer subsequently signing a four-year woody astatine Waverley.

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Speaking to SEN connected Tuesday, McRae addressed Ginnivan’s comments astir the exit meeting.

“I can’t remark connected what helium said due to the fact that I haven’t heard it, but helium did person a contract, remember. He had a contract,” McRae told The Run Home with Andy & Gazey.

“It was up to him to determine to spell and person conversations (with different club). We ne'er opened the doorway for him to person a speech with different footy club. That was up to him.

“I openly accidental that we had an exit interrogation and I expressed things that I wasn’t blessed with. Yeah, I wasn’t. But it wasn’t ‘see you later, Jack’. He was a valued subordinate and a premiership player.

“We shook hands and helium decided to go, and we said ‘yes, OK, connected your way’ — without saying it that directly. We privation him good and we privation him each the best, conscionable not this week erstwhile (he plays) us.

“But he's ever going to beryllium a premiership subordinate astatine Collingwood, and erstwhile we had that last speech connected the phone, determination was inactive emotion and enactment and (I) privation the champion for him.”

The Magpies and Hawks volition look disconnected astatine Adelaide Oval this Sunday from 5:10pm AEDT — exclusive to Fox Footy (via Channel 504) and Kayo.

Originally published arsenic Hawks enlistee explains ‘f***ing rollercoaster’ exit from Collingwood

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