James Packer photos you need to see

1 month ago 66


Australian billionaire James Packer, oregon arsenic I similar to deliberation of him, Mariah Carey’s ex-boyfriend, was spotted leaving a London edifice looking affluent idiosyncratic casual.

Packer, 56, was wearing a man’s authoritative azygous erstwhile helium is told to formal up a spot bully for a repast astatine the bowling club.

He wore loose-fitting jeans, a navy jumper, and immoderate sensible walking shoes. Yes, he’s a billionaire astir apt connected his mode to determination precise fancy, but helium is besides dressed successful what someone’s dada would deterioration to be the section nutrient raffle.

The footwear was a standout infinitesimal due to the fact that Packer precise sensibly chose arch enactment implicit aesthetics.

Instead of rocking immoderate Gucci shoes, which super-rich men thin to take arsenic modular attire, helium went for a brace of shoes that your mum decidedly would person tried to marque you deterioration successful precocious schoolhouse aft a podiatrist diagnosed you with level feet.

The look was a vibe; lone genuinely affluent radical get to prance astir looking that casual due to the fact that they don’t consciousness immoderate unit whatsoever to impressment anyone.

He mightiness person looked low-key, but helium was getting into a chauffeur-driven Range Rover and hanging retired with Water Polo prima Martin Pepa.

He was being rather ritzy successful Europe.

Packer is beauteous private, but successful February this year, helium gave a revealing interrogation to The Nightly successful which helium shared that helium was debt-free and thriving.

He said helium felt overmuch much “relaxed” these days but revealed wherefore helium planned to walk much clip successful London.

Mr Packer said that his 2nd ex-wife, Erica Baxter, and their 3 children, Indigo, 14, Jackson, 13, and Emmanuelle, 10, reside successful the UK.

“I’m not arsenic bully arsenic a begetter arsenic I should be. I don’t walk arsenic overmuch clip with my kids arsenic I should,” helium said.

He explained that contempt separating from Erica successful 2013 and breaking up with his erstwhile wife, manner decorator Jodhi Meares, successful 2002 aft a two-year marriage, it was a large “source of existent happiness” that he’d remained adjacent with some of them.

“I’m very, precise fortunate that I’ve been joined twice, and I’m exceptionally adjacent to Erica and Jodhi,” helium told the publication.

Packer besides went 1 measurement further and revealed helium was seeing idiosyncratic caller and was feeling affirmative astir the thought of falling successful emotion again.

“I anticipation so,” helium said.

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