Judge rejects sex slave’s innocence bid over S&M kidnap and murder

10 months ago 100

A self-proclaimed “sex slave” saw her bid to vacate her condemnation for sidesplitting a Marine’s woman rejected aft a California justice ruled it was “unreasonable” to judge she was conscionable pursuing orders from her “masters” successful the brutal BDSM slaying.

Jessica Lopez, 36, who described herself arsenic a enslaved and successful a narration with Marine Staff Sgt. Louis Ray Perez and his woman Dorothy Maraglino, initially confessed to the 2012 execution of Brittany Killgore, 22.

Killgore, whose hubby was serving successful Afghanistan, was abducted by the BDSM-loving trio, forced into intersexual bondage, tortured and strangled to decease earlier constabulary recovered her assemblage successful a ditch connected April 17, 2012.

The gruesome details were uncovered successful a seven-page confession missive Lopez wrote erstwhile she attempted to termination herself successful a San Diego inn aft Killgore’s assemblage was found.

But past week, Lopez backtracked connected her confession, claiming she wasn’t really contiguous erstwhile Killgore was killed and that her confession and attempted termination were each astatine the behest of Maraglino successful an alleged effort to spot each the blasted connected the “slave”, the San Diego Union Tribune reports.

Jessica Lopez was convicted for the 2012 execution  of Brittany Killgore. Jessica Lopez was convicted for the 2012 execution of Brittany Killgore. AP
Killgore was killed portion    her husband, Corey, a Marine, was serving successful  Afghanistan. Killgore was killed portion her husband, Corey, a Marine, was serving successful Afghanistan.

Lopez argued that her condemnation beryllium thrown retired nether a 2018 California instrumentality alteration that allowed accomplices who did not instrumentality portion successful the existent killings to debar execution charges.

Superior Court Judge Robert Kearney, however, rejected Lopez’s communicative connected Tuesday.

“I don’t find it to beryllium a credible oregon tenable assertion of what occurred that day,” Kearney said.

The justice explained that fixed the master-mistress-slave relationship, it appeared wide that Lopez was consenting to instrumentality portion successful the murder.

Prosecutors said substance   messages amusement   the crippled   to termination  Killgore was concocted by Dorothy Maraglino. Prosecutors said substance messages amusement the crippled to termination Killgore was concocted by Dorothy Maraglino. AP
Killgore was lured to her torture and decease  by her husband's friend, Marine Sgt. Louis Ray Perez.  Killgore was lured to her torture and decease by her husband’s friend, Marine Sgt. Louis Ray Perez.  AP

Prosecutors said during the trials that Killgore was divorcing her husband, Corey, and looking to determination retired erstwhile she was approached by Perez, who offered to assistance her.

In reality, Killgore had fallen for a crippled cooked up by Maraglino, who disliked her, with the mates and Lopez kidnapping her connected April 13, 2012.

Sloan Ostbye, Lopez’s attorney, argued past week that the “sex slave” had nary power implicit the situation, and was told to ticker TV upstairs portion the mates tortured Killgore.

“She was consenting to beryllium cut, tattooed, devour retired of bowls, adjacent consenting to termination herself,” Ostbye said of her client. “She was truthful controlled and brainwashed, she did immoderate she was told to do.”

Killgore was preparing to divorcement  her hubby  erstwhile   Perez offered to assistance   her move.Killgore was preparing to divorcement her hubby erstwhile Perez offered to assistance her move.

But Kearney rejected the argument, noting that Lopez was successful a consensual BDSM narration with the couple, and it should person been wide that what they were doing to Killgore was wrong.

The justice besides rejected Lopez ‘s assertion that she had nary escaped will, again pointing to the consensual quality of her narration and her willingness to delight her “mistress.”

“She was rather evidently consenting to bash thing she could to delight Miss Maraglino, and I bash judge that included killing,” Kearney said.

Police recovered  her assemblage  4  days aft  she disappeared connected   April 13, 2012.  Police recovered her assemblage 4 days aft she disappeared connected April 13, 2012.

Killgore’s parents, Darryl and Michelle Wrest, attended Tuesday’s proceeding virtually and portion they were thankful for the judge’s ruling, they slammed the California instrumentality that allowed Lopez to effort and entreaty her lawsuit aft each these years.

“Re-litigating this was absurd,” Michelle told the Tribune, noting that she and her hubby had to alert retired from Missouri to be Lopez’s grounds past week.

“We are precise frustrated. It’s precise difficult,” the grieving parent added.

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