Liberal bishop’s Trump plea: Letters to the Editor — Jan. 25, 2025

2 weeks ago 43

The Issue: An Episcopalian bishop imploring President Trump to person mercy connected susceptible groups.

There are plentifulness of spiritual leaders who reason President Trump (“Bishop’s ‘bully’ pulpit,” Jan. 22).
Exhibit A is Episcopalian Bishop Mariann Budde, who led the National Prayer astatine Washington Cathedral.

Yet I wonderment wherefore the ostensibly compassionate prelate failed to notation the migrant minors who person gone unaccounted for during erstwhile President Joe Biden’s administration?

And however could she springiness the soundless attraction to the victims of crimes perpetrated by migrants?

Budde aboriginal capitalized connected her code successful next-day appearances connected CNN, The View and the Rachel Maddow Show — which suggests the full entreaty was politically motivated.

James Hyland


Budde volition beryllium eating retired for years connected her unruly instrumentality connected a supplication work — 1 that was expected to hindrance a divisive polity unneurotic but alternatively came unglued.

As galore progressive simps would person it, she felt compelled to telephone retired the tens of millions of voters who had conscionable watched their victorious campaigner presume office.

Outrageous clergy are often loud, but she was truthful brushed you could perceive a pin driblet into her bubble of self-assured Jabberwocky.

Only chap travelers and pencil-necked media volition find comfortableness successful her faux liberation theology.

Paul Bloustein

Cincinnati, Ohio

What does Bishop Budde deliberation astir the immoderate tens of thousands of children who, done amerciable immigration, are fundamentally missing?

There is simply a non-zero accidental immoderate of these children person coiled up successful exploitative situations.

And what does she deliberation astir the victims of murder, rape, forced occupancy and carnal maltreatment and the deaths from cause overdoses that are side-effects of this crisis?

Al DiLascia


I judge we person reached the constituent wherever immoderate words simply don’t matter.

Budde’s rant astatine the National Cathedral’s Inaugural Prayer Service was so unfortunate.

But progressively radical successful our state are listening with deaf ears.

If Trump’s overwhelming triumph proved anything, it’s that we are moving distant from the woke wide nonsense that utilized to resonate with acold much Americans.

And wasn’t determination expected to beryllium a separation of religion and state?

Rob Feuerstein

Staten Island

The spiritual left’s hypocrisy knows nary bounds.

Their virtue-signaling has reached a crescendo, exposing their two-faced nature.

Yes, Trump whitethorn not beryllium pursuing Christian doctrine by deporting amerciable immigrants oregon closing the borderline to them.

(By the way, I wholeheartedly enactment the president connected this).

But neither is supporting abortion.

Even the pope himself has been wide connected these issues. You can’t person it some ways.

Chris Plate


Trump’s attendance astatine the inaugural supplication work astatine the Washington National Cathedral has led him to request an apology from Budde due to the fact that of her sermon, successful which she implored him to beryllium a compassionate president for everyone residing successful the country.

Once again, idiosyncratic finds themselves successful Trump’s cross-hairs and gets thrown nether the autobus by him.

Will Trump besides request an apology from Jesus Christ for the Beatitudes oregon the Sermon connected the Mount for preaching compassion?

Would Jesus adjacent situation to preach to Trump?

C. R. Prabakaran

Sterling Heights, Mich.

As a life-long Episcopalian, I deplore Bishop Budde’s disgraceful misuse of the pulpit by injecting authorities into a supplication service.

To admonish an attendee straight — and dis­tort his views — is adjacent much egregious.

This was a shameful breach of religion protocol, and it brings disrepute upon the church.

Gary Layton

Interlaken, NJ

If Trump fears the information truthful much, past helium should support retired of the churches, mosques and temples of America.

Clerics bash not buss his ringing nor instrumentality a genu to him.

He owes the bishop an apology.

Not the different mode about.

Peter J. Peirano

Ridgewood, NJ

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