Mardi Gras ends in chaos, multiple arrested

4 months ago 37

Multiple radical were seen being pulled from Sydney’s iconic Mardi Gras parade way by police, aft a protestation radical fought with constabulary and fto disconnected flares successful beforehand of NSW Labor’s float.

Shocking video of the moment, conscionable aft 9.30pm, showed a pistillate from a pro-Palestinian protestation radical appearing to walk a flare to idiosyncratic watching connected from down the metallic fencing acceptable up on the way arsenic constabulary wrestled a ample banner speechmaking ‘queer solidarity with Palestinian resistance’ from her.

The pistillate moved toward the mediate of the street, earlier 4 officers managed to determination her backmost to the fence.

More protesters, who are besides believed to person been portion of the marching group, were past seen moving around, their faces covered arsenic they waved greenish and achromatic flares.

As constabulary flooded the country to region the group, signs for Rainbow Labor could beryllium seen straight down them.

Chris Minns marched with Rainbow Labor connected Saturday night, marking the archetypal clip the NSW Premier had taken portion successful the parade.

Minns was inactive with the Labor radical astatine the time, astir 20 metres down the pro-Palestinian group, but it’s understood helium was not caught up successful the chaos.

The Premier near the parade soon after, though NCA NewsWire understands this did not people a alteration successful his archetypal plans.

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