Massive Ukraine, Israel aid package overcomes key Senate hurdle as 18 Republicans vote with Democrats

11 months ago 88

The Senate overcame yet different procedural trial connected the astir $95 cardinal supplemental assistance bundle for Israel, Ukraine, and different allies Sunday, inching person to its passage.

Working connected Super Bowl Sunday, successful a captious 67-27 vote, the Senate voted to extremity statement connected whether to adhd the supplemental bill’s connection into the ammunition measure the precocious enclosure is utilizing to beforehand that legislation, surpassing the filibuster threshold.

Eighteen Republicans banded unneurotic with Democrats to beforehand the supplemental.

Now that the procedural hurdle has been cleared, the Senate is getting person to an existent ballot connected whether oregon not to walk the nationalist information measurement — which is expected to instrumentality spot this week.

“I can’t retrieve the past clip the Senate was successful league connected Super Bowl Sunday, but arsenic I’ve said each week long, we’re going to support moving connected this measure until the occupation is done,” Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer (D-NY) said.

Last Thursday, the Senate voted to commencement enactment connected the bundle aft months of bickering implicit however to proceed connected assistance to war-torn Ukraine.

Republicans person agelong demanded that immoderate caller backing for Ukraine beryllium coupled with heavy borderline information reforms.

Senate enactment is mostly connected committee with the Ukraine supplemental, but determination has been immoderate GOP absorption among rank-and-file senators. AFP via Getty Images

After Senate negotiators unveiled a sprawling betterment bundle past week, Republicans rapidly changeable it down, prompting Schumer to maneuver toward a supplemental without borderline reform.

Republicans cited a litany of concerns, bashing the bundle arsenic woefully insufficient and demanding much clip to enactment connected it. Democrats accused them of tanking it owed to erstwhile President Donald Trump’s concerns astir the 2024 election.

The measure that precocious connected Sunday entailed astir $61 cardinal for Ukraine, $14 cardinal for Israel, and $4.83 cardinal for Indo-Pacific allies, arsenic good arsenic connection to code the fentanyl crisis.

“It’s nary exaggeration to accidental that the eyes of the satellite are connected the United States Senate,” Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-Ky.) said.

“We don’t wield American spot frivolously. We bash it due to the fact that it’s successful our ain interest.”

McConnell has been a beardown proponent of further assistance to Ukraine and has endured calls for his ouster from immoderate firebrands specified arsenic Sen. Ted Cruz (R-Texas).

The Pentagon has estimated that funds for Ukraine person efficaciously tally dry.

President Biden met with German Chancellor Olaf Scholz successful the White House past week and discussed Ukraine. Julia Nikhinson/UPI/Shutterstock

German Chancellor Olaf Scholz, who visited Washington past week, urged Congress to beforehand the package.

“The nonaccomplishment of the United States Congress, if it occurs, not to enactment Ukraine, is adjacent to transgression neglect. It is outrageous,” Scholz said during a White House visit. “So overmuch is astatine stake. So, they amended measurement up.”

President Biden had asked Congress to re-up backing for Ukraine past August, but Congress has been gridlocked from doing truthful for months.

“If America doesn’t assistance Ukraine, Putin is each excessively apt to succeed, arsenic President Zelensky repeatedly has reminded us. The lone close reply to this menace is for the Senate to look it down unflinchingly by passing this measure arsenic soon arsenic soon arsenic we can,” Schumer added.

Speaker Mike Johnson has backed assistance to Ukraine but has been coy astir the authorities successful the Senate. Getty Images

Should the supplemental walk the Senate, it volition look an uncertain aboriginal successful the House of Representatives.

Last week, the little enclosure failed to flooded the two-third ballot threshold needed to beforehand a standalone $17.6 cardinal Israel enactment bill portion bypassing the House Rules Committee.

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