Miranda Devine: Self-deluded Biden is spending his last days as president showcasing all the same lies and cementing his tarnished ‘legacy’

1 month ago 92

Joe Biden is leaving bureau the mode helium came successful — connected a unreality of self-delusion and a rancid stench of lies. 

He promised to beryllium a standard-bearer of decency, respecter of norms and the regularisation of law. 

He presented himself arsenic a unifier who would assistance the state heal aft the pandemic, a antheral of integrity and impeccable character, ­unlike his wretched predecessor. 

Yet down closed doors, successful the devious recesses of his soul, Joe plotted and planned conscionable 2 things: self-aggrandizement and vengeance. 

Joe paid articulator work to a drawback container of virtuous goals but, really, helium was each astir himself.

As helium has been each his life. 

Hence his Jerry Springer-style household beingness that helium and Jill ever person dressed up arsenic the Waltons. 

Now helium leaves bureau arsenic the astir unpopular president successful past different than Nixon, according to a Gallup poll. 

So successful the days earlier his failed presidency vanishes, helium and Jill are scurrying astir delivering set-piece speeches and soft-soap interviews successful a vain effort to trade a glowing “legacy.” 

His farewell code from the Oval Office Wednesday nighttime was the past of these scripted delusions, studded with lies and boasts and grandiose lines from past written by others. 

The astir divisive president successful caller representation claimed helium had “kept my committedness to beryllium president for each Americans.” 

The president whose medication and deep-state protectors bullied social-media companies into censoring American speech, including successful the New York Post, claimed to champion a “free and autarkic press.” 

Marked by mendacity 

The congenital liar whose vocation is marked by plagiarism, mendacity and corruption warned of a aboriginal successful which “the information is smothered by lies told for powerfulness and for profit.” 

The antheral whose household raked successful millions from selling his power to shady oligarchs and Chinese Communist Party entities, who conscionable gave the Presidential Medal of Freedom to ­George Soros, railed against “dark money.” 

The code would not person changed a azygous caput astir Biden’s legacy. Nobody is fooled. 

He besides released a farewell missive Wednesday, laughably claiming helium has near the state “stronger, much prosperous and much secure.” 

Nothing could beryllium further from the truth.

On his watch, America is embroiled successful 2 proxy wars, tens of millions of unvetted amerciable immigrants are roaming the country, we conscionable suffered the 2nd worst violent onslaught since 9/11, and ostentation has ravaged the mediate class. 

The president who weaponized the Justice Department against his governmental enemies and regularly defamed Donald Trump and his supporters arsenic “fascists” besides claimed helium was a unifier: “We came unneurotic arsenic Americans, and . . . we emerged stronger, much prosperous, and much secure.” 

Nobody buys it. 

His bequest tin beryllium discerned successful 2 peculiar counsel reports retired this week: Trump-hunter Jack Smith’s past gasp was to asseverate that the president-elect would person been convicted if helium hadn’t won the election.

Hunter Biden protector-turned-prosecutor David Weiss’ flimsy, 27-page study whitewashed his sham probe of the archetypal lad successful Delaware, which would person resulted successful zero charges if IRS investigators Gary Shapley and Joe Ziegler hadn’t blown the whistle connected DOJ obstruction. 

But the American radical saw the lawfare and corruption for what it was and rejected Joe Biden astatine the ballot box. 

Of course, Biden doesn’t spot the predetermination results arsenic a rejection of him.

He claimed past week helium would person won the predetermination if his enactment hadn’t pushed him aside. 

Seizing credit 

Vainglorious and tiny until the bitter end, Biden called a property league Wednesday to prehend idiosyncratic recognition for the hostage woody successful Israel, without a notation of Trump, contempt Israel and Arab officials alike crediting the president-elect with the breakthrough. 

“If they [the hostages] are not backmost by the clip I get into office, each hellhole is gonna interruption out,” Trump had warned Hamas and Iran past month, and definite enough, The Times of Israel reports that Trump hostage negotiator Steve Witkoff has done “more to sway [Israeli PM Benjamin] Netanyahu than outgoing president Joe Biden did successful a year.” 

But erstwhile a newsman asked Biden however overmuch recognition Trump deserves for the deal, helium replied: “Well, this is the nonstop model that I projected backmost successful May — exact.” 

So wherefore weren’t the hostages released backmost then? 

As helium was leaving the podium, different newsman asked who should get recognition for the deal, “you oregon Trump?” Biden stopped, turned his caput with a smirk and snarled, “Is that a joke?” 

Then helium turned connected his heels and shuffled retired the door. 

It was vintage Biden, a graceless drawback for ego gratification that defines his character. 

Yes, bequest is terribly important to Joe and Jill.

It consumes the couple. 

It is simply a “family project,” arsenic The Washington Post characterized Jill’s cognition successful a schmaltzy interrogation published Wednesday successful which she expressed bitterness astir erstwhile Speaker Nancy Pelosi’s relation successful knifing Joe. 

“We were friends for 50 years. It was disappointing,” Jill said. 

Despite the rancor, she is determined to burnish her ain bequest arsenic “a healer who traveled the state to comfortableness Americans arsenic they emerged from the depths of the pandemic.” 

Her favourite lawsuit was a archetypal authorities meal for teachers overwhelmed by the pomp and ceremonial she turned on.

“It took their enactment away,” she says with pride. 

She frets that “people won’t recognition Joe for immoderate of his achievements . . . I anticipation that they retrieve Joe arsenic a strong, empathetic president with integrity and character. I mean, quality truly is everything, isn’t it?” 

Yes. Character is destiny. Joe’s is carved successful chromatic present arsenic permanently arsenic the greats connected Mount Rushmore whose representation helium sullied and who Pelosi laughably mused helium mightiness join. 

But legacies can’t beryllium controlled.

They are the sum full of your character, the mode you lived your life, the different lives you touched, the quality of the children you raised, the judgement of everyone who saw your conduct. 

America sees Joe Biden present for who helium is, a one-term failure, a Tammany Hall grifter who sold retired his country, an insufferable blowhard whose lone assertion to fame was that helium did much harm than immoderate of his predecessors. 

His word successful bureau was a little and unfortunate interruption of the genuinely historical presidency of the antheral helium tried to destroy. 

Joe’s bequest is to beryllium sandwiched by Trump successful history.

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