Model alleges Sean ‘Diddy’ Combs drugged, sexually assaulted her in New York

3 weeks ago 67

Sean ‘Diddy’ Combs is facing a caller intersexual battle suit filed Tuesday successful a Manhattan national court.

Crystal McKinney claimed she was attacked successful Combs’ signaling workplace aft having meal with the euphony mogul and an unnamed manner decorator astatine Cipriani Downtown successful New York during a Men’s Fashion Week lawsuit successful 2003, according to documents obtained by Fox News Digital.

The latest allegations travel conscionable days aft Combs apologised for his “inexcusable” behaviour aft a video emerged showing the powerhouse shaper beating his then-girlfriend, Cassie Ventura, successful a Los Angeles edifice hallway successful 2016.

McKinney was 22 years aged astatine the clip of the alleged attack, and she stated successful documents that Combs had complimented her passim the night. At 1 point, the shaper told McKinney that she “was going to marque it large 1 day” arsenic a model.

Representatives for Combs did not instantly respond to Fox News Digital’s petition for comment. McKinney’s representatives declined to comment.

She described successful item what she wore the nighttime of the alleged incident, which included “a achromatic leather overgarment with a fur hood, a translucent chiffon beige v-cut shirt, fur-lined handbag, and jewel encrusted jeans” hand-picked by the unnamed decorator for McKinney to deterioration to the event.

“Due to the traumatic events to hap later, Plaintiff saved the unwashed covering from that nighttime successful her closet wherever they stay successful a integrative wrap,” the ailment said.

Combs allegedly “plied Plaintiff with intoxicant passim the meal arsenic helium repeatedly refilled her solid with wine.”

After the meal, Combs allegedly asked McKinney to conscionable him astatine his workplace connected 44th Street, and she felt “reassured that she would beryllium with others astatine the workplace alternatively unsocial successful a idiosyncratic residence.”

Upon arriving, she recovered Combs with respective different men passing astir “a vessel of Hennesy and joints.”

“One of Combs’ associates asked her, ‘Do you fume weed?’ to which she responded affirmatively,” documents stated. “Combs’ subordinate replied: ‘You’ve ne'er had weed similar this before.’”

The ailment stated that “Plaintiff aboriginal came to recognize that Combs had laced the associated with a narcotic oregon different intoxicating substance.” McKinney said she felt “pressured” to imbibe by Combs, who told her that she was “acting excessively uptight.”

“Seeing Plaintiff was precise intoxicated, Combs demanded Plaintiff travel him and helium physically led Plaintiff to the bathroom,” the suit stated. “In the bathroom, Combs forced himself connected Plaintiff and began kissing her without her consent.” He allegedly forced McKinney to “perform oral enactment connected him.”

McKinney allegedly “lost consciousness” and awoke successful daze to find herself successful a taxicab heading backmost to the designer’s apartment.

She noted that modelling opportunities “quickly began to dwindle and past evaporated entirely” pursuing the alleged assault. McKinney believed that Combs “blackballed” her successful the industry.

“The battle led Plaintiff into a tailspin of anxiousness and depression,” the suit claimed. “In oregon astir 2004, Plaintiff attempted termination and was hospitalised.”

She claimed to acquisition intoxicant and cause addiction successful an effort to header “with the affectional trauma of being assaulted.”

Only aft different women came guardant with their ain stories of alleged assaults astatine the hands of Combs was erstwhile McKinney felt comfy speaking connected her own, according to the complaint.

Combs is besides being sued by Liza Gardner, Jane Doe, Joi Dickerson-Neal and euphony shaper Rodeny “Lil Rod” Jones. Combs has denied each of the claims.

“Plaintiff is simply a pistillate of religion and erstwhile she saw quality sum of the lawsuits from Ms. Cassie Ventura, Ms. Dickerson-Neal, and others, she knew she had a motivation work to talk up,” documents stated. “Plaintiff prayed to G-d earlier bringing this lawsuit, arsenic she feared further unit and/or retaliation from Defendant Combs, but yet decided that she needed to talk her truth.”

In a video from 8 years agone and lone precocious obtained exclusively by CNN, Combs was seen moving down a edifice hallway wearing a towel. Moments before, Cassie (Cassandra Ventura) had walked down the aforesaid hallway with bags successful her manus toward the elevators.

Once Combs reached the elevators, helium grabbed Cassie by the cervix and threw her to the ground. Combs past kicked her twice, picked up her bags and dragged her backmost down the hallway earlier she returned to the aforesaid country to usage a phone.

“It’s truthful hard to bespeak connected the darkest times successful your life, but sometimes you got to bash that. I was f***ed up — I deed stone bottommost — but I marque nary excuses,” Combs said successful a clip shared Sunday. “My behaviour connected that video is inexcusable. I instrumentality afloat work for my actions successful that video.”

Combs admitted, “I was disgusted past erstwhile I did it. I’m disgusted now. I went and I sought retired nonrecreational help. I got into going to therapy, going to rehab. I had to inquire God for his mercy and grace. I’m truthful sorry. But I’m committed to beryllium a amended antheral each and each day. I’m not asking for forgiveness. I’m genuinely sorry.”

Cassie accused Combs of rape and years of maltreatment successful a bombshell suit filed successful November, but 1 time later, the erstwhile mates settled the suit for an undisclosed sum.

Her squad fired backmost astatine the apology and claimed Combs’ connection appeared to beryllium much “about himself than the galore radical helium has hurt.”

“When Cassie and different aggregate women came forward, helium denied everything and suggested that his victims were looking for a payday,” Meredith Firetog, a spouse astatine Wigdor LLP, the ineligible steadfast representing Ventura, told Fox News Digital. “That helium was lone compelled to ‘apologise’ erstwhile his repeated denials were proven mendacious shows his pathetic desperation, and nary 1 volition beryllium swayed by his disingenuous words.”

This communicative primitively appeared connected Fox News and was reproduced with permission

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