Motorcycle-riding gunman in Tupac shirt ignites panic at UC Berkeley after firing shots outside packed concert hall

5 months ago 76

A crazed gunman wearing a Tupac Shakur T-shirt plunged the University of California astatine Berkeley field into panic Friday nighttime aft randomly firing an automatic handgun extracurricular a packed classical euphony performance.

According to reports, the unnamed shooter — who resides successful Oakland — drove onto the campus connected a motorcycle astir 8:30 p.m. and began harassing a radical of students practicing a creation regular wrong a tent.

Students told the Berkeley Scanner that the antheral was agitated and appeared delusional.

As the coeds attempted to person him to permission the area, helium astatine 1 constituent threatened to summon national agents and person them deported.

After refusing to depart, a video shows the antheral past repeatedly firing a handgun adjacent the school’s pupil union.

A antheral randomly fired shots connected the U.C. Berkeley field Friday night. Berkeley UCPD

Footage recorded by witnesses shows panicked students moving up stairs wrong the gathering arsenic shots explode.

Police aboriginal recovered a slug spread successful a adjacent field gathering window.

Police aboriginal recovered a slug spread successful a adjacent field gathering window. KGO

The chaos erupted during a packed performance by acclaimed soprano Renee Fleming successful adjacent Zellerbach auditorium.

Roughly 2,000 spooked attendees were forced to structure successful spot during an intermission arsenic constabulary units swarmed the scene.

Attendees of an on-campus performance fled for screen aft the shots were fired astir 8:30 p.m. Friday. @polhovleon / X

Cops rapidly zeroed connected a fishy and placed him successful custody. Other videos amusement a antheral nether apprehension denying immoderate engagement successful the incidental earlier being taken away.

Berkeley Police officials said helium was placed connected a psychiatric clasp pending further investigation.

There were nary reported injuries.

Some students took to societal media to vent their frustrations with increasing transgression connected the renowned Berkeley campus.

The shooter was taken into custody and held astatine a psychiatric halfway for evaluation. KGO

Others complained that the schoolhouse failed to nonstop retired an alert astir the concern successful a timely manner.

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