Nestle to launch food products that cater to Wegovy and Ozempic users

2 months ago 89

How Ozempic, different weight-loss drugs are "changing medicine"

How Ozempic, different weight-loss drugs are "changing medicine" 08:40

Nestle is launching a caller enactment of high-fiber, protein-packed foods directed astatine the increasing fig of Americans connected Wegovy oregon Ozempic, and others trying to suffer weight. 

Called Vital Pursuit foods, the products are "well-suited to enactment a balanced fare for anyone connected a value absorption journey" the Swiss nutrient and beverage maker said Tuesday, but "are portion-aligned" for consumers taking GLP-1 medications, besides known arsenic semaglutides. Twelve recently designed nutrient items volition deed prime stores nationwide toward the extremity of this year, Nestle added. 

"We cognize that each user connected a wellness travel has individualized needs and considerations, and having options to enactment those needs volition proceed to play an important role," Tom Moe, president of Nestle USA Meals Division, said successful a statement. 

Nestle's determination comes arsenic GLP-1 medications are becoming much wide utilized for value absorption and different recently discovered potential wellness benefits.  The drugs' effectiveness successful reducing appetite has generated concern from nutrient retailers who fearfulness the medications could instrumentality a wound retired of their profits. 

About 9 cardinal Americans utilized GLP-1 medications successful 2023, according to analytics steadfast Trilliant Health. GLP-1 users are expected to scope 30 cardinal by 2030, according to JPMorgan, which predicts the semaglutide marketplace volition transcend $100 cardinal that aforesaid year.

Khristopher J. Brooks

Khristopher J. Brooks is simply a newsman for CBS MoneyWatch. He antecedently worked arsenic a newsman for the Omaha World-Herald, Newsday and the Florida Times-Union. His reporting chiefly focuses connected the U.S. lodging market, the concern of sports and bankruptcy.

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