New detail emerge as mum, baby vanish

1 month ago 72

NSW Police accidental the babe who was precocious birthed connected the banks of the a Sydney stream is simply a boy.

Authorities proceed to clasp superior payment concerns, and stay connected the hunt for the babe and his mother, aft an umbilical cord and placenta was recovered by a canine walker astatine the Cooks River successful Earlwood astatine astir 4.30pm connected Monday.

Forensic investigating has confirmed the babe is simply a boy, and Strike Force Wagonia detectives are continuing to analyse the incident.

Police person asked the parent to be her nearest infirmary successful bid to person urgent attraction for herself and her son.

Anyone with information, oregon CCTV imaginativeness is urged to interaction Burwood Police oregon Crime Stoppers connected 1800 333 000.

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