Plans for menthol cigarette ban delayed due to "immense" feedback

3 months ago 82

Biden delays menthol cigaret prohibition determination

White House delays determination connected menthol cigaret ban 05:40

The Biden medication said Friday it would again hold a determination connected a regulation aiming to prohibition menthol-flavored cigarettes, citing the "historic attention" and "immense magnitude of feedback" connected the controversial proposal by the Food and Drug Administration. 

"This regularisation has garnered historical attraction and the nationalist remark play has yielded an immense magnitude of feedback, including from assorted elements of the civilian rights and transgression justness movement," Health and Human Services Secretary Xavier Becerra said successful a statement.

The White House had already overshot a erstwhile self-imposed day to determine connected the regulation by March. The regularisation had been stalled successful an interagency reappraisal process.

A elder medication authoritative said it was hard to enactment a timeline connected the delay, citing lingering disagreements aft "months of hard conversations."

The authoritative said they are asking for much clip to perceive from extracurricular groups, particularly connected the civilian rights side. 

They acknowledged precocious rates of Black Americans dying from usage of menthol cigarettes, which drove the FDA's archetypal propulsion for a ban, but said determination were civilian rights concerns astir however specified a regularisation would beryllium enforced.

The American Civil Liberties Union is among the groups that has lobbied for months against a menthol cigaret ban, warning it would "disproportionately interaction radical of color" and "prioritize criminalization ove republic wellness and harm reduction."

"It's wide that determination are inactive much conversations to have, and that volition instrumentality importantly much time," Becerra said successful his statement.

The White House has truthful acold fielded more than 100 meetings implicit the connection with dozens of extracurricular groups for and against the regulation, ranging from convenience store associations to the National Organization of Black Law Enforcement Executives.

Public wellness groups person voiced vexation for months implicit repeated delays to the FDA's connection that bureau officials had hoped would beryllium a halfway portion of a national propulsion to importantly chopped smoking rates successful the U.S. 

Advocates person disquieted that delays volition propulsion the regularisation into a model that would let opponents to overturn the regularisation using the Congressional Review Act during the adjacent statesmanlike term.

"The administration's inaction is enabling the baccy manufacture to proceed aggressively selling these products and attracting and addicting caller users," Nancy Brown, CEO of the American Heart Association, said successful a statement. 

At a House Appropriations Committee proceeding this month, FDA Administrator Robert Califf said the prohibition remained 1 of his agency's apical priorities and said helium hoped it would beryllium cleared by the extremity of the year. 

"I'm a cardiologist and I practiced successful North Carolina for 35 years. I astir apt person seen much radical dice from baccy related unwellness than astir immoderate doc due to the fact that I was an intensivist who dealt with the extremity signifier of the disease. This is simply a apical precedence for us," helium said.

–Nancy Cordes contributed reporting.

Alexander Tin

Alexander Tin is simply a integer newsman for CBS News based successful the Washington, D.C. bureau. He covers the Biden administration's nationalist wellness agencies, including the national effect to infectious illness outbreaks similar COVID-19.

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