‘Rest in peace’: Tom Barrass’ heartbreaking tribute after Cam McCarthy’s death

2 months ago 77

West Coast defender Tom Barrass has posted a heartbreaking tribute aft erstwhile AFLstar Cam McCarthy’s daze decease astatine the property of 29 past week.

McCarthy, who played 70 matches for the GWS Giants and Fremantle betwixt 2014 and 2020, and his decease was felt profoundly crossed the AFL past week.

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Fremantle players were near tears successful a pre-game tribute to McCarthy and it was revealed aft the lucifer that some of the players were adjacent to sitting retired the match.

West Coast seasoned Barrass took to Instagram connected Tuesday nighttime to wage tribute to his adjacent mate.

“Last week, this world mislaid a beauteous antheral named Cameron McCarthy,” Barrass wrote.

“A antheral who wasn’t acrophobic with wealth oregon power, alternatively creativity and experience. A antheral who approached each things with vigor and excitement, arsenic if viewing them for the archetypal time.

“A antheral whose beingness volition beryllium sorely missed, but whose outlook and sentiment tin beryllium heard immoderate clip we privation to listen.

“Enjoy the travel and thin in. Trust your intuition and person conviction, arsenic that’s each you’ve truly got successful the end.

“Men similar these are hard to travel by; truthful afloat of love, kindness and laughter. But that’s wherefore they’re truthful special, and the lessons they thatch past a lifetime.

“I’m gonna miss you Universal Brother. Say Gday to the large fella for maine and enactment successful a bully connection please. Rest successful Peace.”

Barrass besides shared a bid of pictures of the pair.

AFL players flooded into the comments with Eagles teammates including Josh Rotham, Alex Witherdan, Elliot Yeo and Coby Burgiel sending their love, alongside Collingwood’s Darcy Cameron, Port Adelaide’s Willie Rioli and erstwhile Eagles Tom Hickey and Will Schofield.

After West Coast’s lucifer against Collingwood connected the weekend, Eagles skipper Liam Duggan spoke astir however adjacent the brace were.

“Cam was a bully person of TB and it’s conscionable truly bittersweet news,” Duggan said.

“Our thoughts and prayers spell retired to his family, and we wrapper our arms astir TB.

“It thought it was rather beardown for TB to beryllium connected the travel and pb similar helium did for us.”

Fremantle manager Justin Longmuir besides spoke up connected Wednesday, calling for the AFL to “do more” for erstwhile players successful need.

“We tin ever bash more,” Longmuir said.

“The Cam concern should bring it to the forefront, and much discussions should beryllium had to spot if we tin improve.

“From idiosyncratic experiences, I cognize the AFLPA (AFL Players Association) connection a batch of resources and a batch of services for past players.

“The treatment should beryllium astir however we tin get those past players utilizing those services, and making definite their wellbeing and wellness post-footy remains truly vibrant.”

With NCA Newswire

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