Robert F. Kennedy Jr. says he opposed removal of Confederate monuments

1 month ago 64

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Independent statesmanlike campaigner Robert F. Kennedy Jr. says helium opposed the removal of Confederate statues, recalling that helium had a "visceral absorption against" the demolition of monuments honoring confederate leaders from the Civil War.

The apical Confederate general, Robert E. Lee, had "extraordinary qualities of leadership" that merit to beryllium celebrated, Kennedy said Friday successful an interrogation with the blimpish podcast big Tim Pool connected the Timcast IRL.

"There were heroes successful the Confederacy who didn't person slaves," Kennedy said erstwhile asked astir the monuments. "And, you cognize ... I conscionable person a visceral absorption to this destroying history. I don't similar it. I deliberation we should observe who we are. And that, you know, we should observe the bully qualities of everybody."

Celebrating lone radical who were "completely virtuous" would mean erasing each of history, Kennedy said.

The remark is another arguable pronouncement from the former Democrat, who is waging an uphill conflict to go the archetypal idiosyncratic since George Washington to beryllium elected president without a governmental enactment affiliation.

Kennedy, who is trying to stitch unneurotic a conjugation of Americans disaffected with some large parties, has promoted himself arsenic a fierce advocator for escaped code who is consenting to instrumentality arguable stands successful his bid for the presidency. Allies of some Joe Biden and Donald Trump, the presumptive Democratic and Republican nominees, respectively, presumption Kennedy with trepidation and interest that Kennedy volition gain capable enactment to tilt the election.

Activists person pushed for years to region monuments and rename buildings that grant leaders of the Confederacy, calling them symbols of racism.

"We request to beryllium capable to beryllium blase capable to unrecorded with, you know, our ancestors who didn't hold with america connected everything and who did things that are present regarded arsenic immoral oregon wrong, due to the fact that they, you know, possibly they had different qualities," Kennedy said.

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