Russian rapper jailed for 15 days after attending ‘almost naked’ party

5 months ago 85

MOSCOW, Dec 28 – A rapper who attended a personage enactment with lone a sock to fell his modesty has been jailed for 15 days, sponsors of immoderate of Russia’s champion known entertainers person torn up their contracts, and President Vladimir Putin is reported to beryllium unamused.

An “almost naked” enactment astatine a Moscow nightclub held astatine a clip erstwhile Russia is engaged successful a warfare with Ukraine and the authorities are pushing an progressively blimpish societal agenda, has provoked an unusually swift and almighty backlash.

A video clip of Putin’s spokesperson listening to an mentation from 1 of the stars who attended has been circulating online. Baza, a quality outlet known for its information services contacts, has reported that troops warring successful Ukraine were among the archetypal to kick aft seeing the footage and that photographs of the lawsuit reached an unimpressed Putin.

Dmitry Peskov, Putin’s spokesperson, connected Wednesday asked reporters to forgive him for not publically commenting connected the burgeoning scandal, saying: “Let you and I beryllium the lone ones successful the state who aren’t discussing this topic.”

A Russian “almost naked” enactment led a rapper to beryllium jailed for 15 days. via REUTERS

Maria Zakharova, a spokesperson for the Russian Foreign Ministry, said that the lawsuit had “stained” those who took part, but that they present had a accidental to enactment connected themselves, according to the quality outlet.

The fierce backlash from the authorities, pro-Kremlin lawmakers and bloggers, authorities media, and Orthodox Church groups has been dominating the headlines for days, displacing stories astir rising ovum prices and allowing radical to fto disconnected steam by railing against the show-business elite instead.

The party, successful Moscow’s Mutabor nightclub, was organised by blogger Anastasia (Nastya) Ivleeva and attended by well-known singers successful their underwear oregon wearing skimpy costumes who person been staples connected authorities TV amusement programmes for years.

Russian histrion and blogger Anastasia Ivleeva was the big of the party, AP


Ivleeva, who has since go 1 of Russia’s astir recognised names, is seen successful 1 clip showing disconnected an emerald-studded concatenation astir her backside worthy 23 cardinal roubles ($251,000) astatine a clip erstwhile immoderate Russians are struggling to get by.

She has since issued 2 nationalist apology videos for the lawsuit which spanned Dec.20-21.

In the 2nd tearful apology, released connected Wednesday, Ivleeva said she regretted her actions and deserved everything she got but hoped she could beryllium fixed “a 2nd chance.”

Her sanction has since disappeared arsenic 1 of the nationalist faces of large Russian mobile telephone relation MTS, the taxation authorities person opened an probe that carries a imaginable five-year jailhouse term, and a Moscow tribunal has accepted a suit from a radical of individuals demanding she wage retired 1 cardinal roubles ($10.9 million) for “moral suffering.”

Russian blogger Anastasia (Nastya) Ivleeva poses for a representation with rapper GeeGun during an “almost naked” enactment astatine Mutabor nightclub successful Moscow, Russia. via REUTERS

If successful, they privation the wealth to spell to a authorities money that supports Ukraine warfare veterans.

“To clasp specified events astatine a clip erstwhile our guys are dying successful the (Ukrainian) peculiar subject cognition and galore children are losing their fathers is cynical,” said Yekaterina Mizulina, manager of Russia’s League for a Safe Internet, a assemblage founded with the authorities’ support.

“Our soldiers connected the beforehand enactment are decidedly not warring for this.”

Many of the party’s celebrated participants person recorded apologies, including writer Ksenia Sobchak whose precocious begetter Anatoly was erstwhile Putin’s person and boss.


The ungraded comes astatine a clip erstwhile Putin, who is expected to comfortably triumph different six-year word astatine a March election, has doubled down connected societal conservatism, urging families to person 8 oregon much children, and aft Russia’s Supreme Court ruled that LGBT activists should beryllium designated arsenic “extremists.”

Nikolai Vasilyev, a rapper known arsenic Vacio who attended wearing lone a sock to screen his penis, was jailed by a Moscow tribunal for 15 days and fined 200,000 roubles ($2,182) for propaganda of “non-traditional intersexual relations.”

Other much celebrated names person had concerts and lucrative authorities TV airtime cancelled, contracts with sponsors revoked, and, successful astatine slightest 1 case, are reportedly being chopped retired of a caller film.

The ungraded has angered those who enactment Russia’s warfare successful Ukraine.

Standing extracurricular the Bolshoi Theatre connected Thursday, Nadezhda, 1 Moscow resident, told Reuters she was outraged and thought those who took portion should beryllium punished and not shown connected TV anymore.

“If you’re partying astatine slightest don’t movie it,” she said. “At specified a hard clip (for Russia), they should astatine slightest beryllium ashamed. Aren’t they ashamed earlier those who are warring for us?”

Alexander, different Muscovite, said those who attended had not breached immoderate instrumentality and were escaped to bash arsenic they pleased astatine what was a backstage event.

But 1 pistillate who said her nephew had mislaid some legs successful combat wrote successful a station to the League for a Safe Internet that the stars should wage for prosthetic legs for her comparative and others to marque amends.

“That would beryllium a amended apology,” the unidentified pistillate wrote.

($1 = 91.6205 roubles)

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