‘Sick f***’: Wild scene as senator confronted

4 months ago 33

WARNING: Strong language

US Senator Joe Manchin looked acceptable to brawl Friday aft a clime activistic called him a “sick f**k” during an lawsuit astatine Harvard University, video footage of the incidental shows.

“You sold our futures and you got affluent doing it, you sick f**k,” the protester shouted conscionable feet from wherever Manchin was sitting arsenic helium delivered a speech astatine the Ivy League school’s Institute of Politics.

The remark didn’t beryllium good with the centrist senator, who instantly stood up and rapidly made his mode toward the activist.

Manchin came wrong an arm’s magnitude of the foul-mouthed agitator earlier a antheral stepped successful betwixt the two.

The man, identified arsenic 1 of Manchin’s aides by the Harvard Crimson, past violently shoved the protester retired of the room.

An activistic radical called Climate Defiance posted heavy edited footage connected the incidental connected X, taking recognition for organizing the disruption.

Several much protesters locked arms down Manchin’s spot and continued to disrupt the lawsuit aft the shove, chanting, “Support our futures, not your profits.”

“Y’all privation to beryllium down determination truthful we tin talk?” the West Virginia Democrat asked the demonstrators.

To which 1 protester responded, “I’m not going to beryllium down. You’ve received much backing from fossil fuels than immoderate different senator.”

“You’ve made millions retired of your position. You thrust a Maserati,” different protester chimed in.

The archetypal instigator appears to locomotion backmost into the country astatine 1 constituent to telephone Manchin a “coal baron” arsenic the legislator starts walking distant from the commotion, according to the footage.

Manchin’s bureau did not respond to a petition for comment.

The legislator announced past November that helium would not question re-election to the Senate successful 2024.

This nonfiction primitively appeared successful the New York Post and was reproduced with permission

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