Sixers' Joel Embiid says he's being treated for Bell's palsy

3 months ago 64

Philadelphia fans observe 76ers win, Eagles draught prime

Philadelphia fans observe 76ers win, Eagles draught pick 02:33

PHILADELPHIA (CBS) -- Joel Embiid said aft the Philadelphia 76ers' triumph implicit the New York Knicks Thursday nighttime that he's been dealing with a lawsuit of Bell's palsy, a wellness information that causes facial musculus weakness, symptom and discomfort.

"It's beauteous annoying. My near broadside of my face, my rima and my eye, truthful yeah, it's been tough," Embiid said, "but I'm not a quitter, truthful I got to support warring done anything. It's unfortunate, that's the mode I look astatine it. That's not an excuse, I got to support pushing."

Embiid said helium started to announcement the symptoms a time oregon 2 earlier the NBA Play-In Tournament crippled against the Miami Heat aft helium had atrocious migraines.

Recently, Embiid has been seen wearing sunglasses indoors earlier games during the playoffs. He's besides not 100% aft returning from a near genu injury that sidelined him for 2 months.

"I conscionable emotion playing the game," Embiid said. "I privation to play arsenic overmuch arsenic possible. I lone got astir 8 much years left, truthful I got to bask this arsenic overmuch arsenic possible, and I privation to win."

Still, Embiid scored a playoff career-high 50 points successful the Sixers' triumph implicit the Knicks successful Game 3 of the archetypal circular of the NBA playoffs.

With Thursday's win, the Sixers present way 2-1 successful the series. Game 4 volition beryllium Sunday day astatine Wells Fargo Center successful South Philadelphia. 

What is Bell's palsy?

Bell's palsy is "an unexplained occurrence of facial musculus weakness oregon paralysis," according to Johns Hopkins Medicine.

According to Johns Hopkins, the information results from harm to the facial nerve, and symptom and discomfort usually hap connected 1 broadside of the person's look oregon head.

Bell's palsy isn't considered permanent, but successful uncommon cases, it does not disappear. According to Johns Hopkins, there's presently nary cure for Bell's palsy, but betterment usually begins 2 to six months from the onset of symptoms.

The origin of Bell's palsy is not known.

Tom Ignudo

Tom Ignudo is simply a Digital Content Producer astatine CBS News Philadelphia. Before CBS Philadelphia, Tom covered precocious schoolhouse and assemblage sports for the Philadelphia Inquirer. He covers breaking news, sports and more.

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