Spice Girl Geri Halliwell’s marriage with F1 boss Christian Horner ‘in question’ over scandal

4 months ago 41

Geri Halliwell’s matrimony to Christian Horner is said to beryllium “in question” aft backstage texts sent by her hubby to a pistillate worker were leaked.

The Spice Girls star, 51, has been near humiliated aft a immense trove of intimate texts betwixt the F1 main and a pistillate workfellow were revealed conscionable a time aft helium was cleared of wrongdoing.

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Sources adjacent to Geri accidental she was “relieved and elated” erstwhile the lawsuit against her Red Bull Racing brag hubby Horner was thrown retired connected Wednesday.

Ginger Spice Geri endured 3 weeks of torment successful which she was said to person stood by her antheral aft being near successful “floods of tears” erstwhile the ungraded archetypal broke.

Insiders accidental Geri had adjacent begged Horner to “make it spell away”, reports the Mail.

Now the vocalist has again been near “extremely humiliated” conscionable a time aft she thought Horner, who she wed successful 2015, was successful the clear.

Pals of the mates accidental their matrimony is “now successful question for the archetypal time” aft the flirty substance speech betwixt Horner and a pistillate staffer was shared.

Friends of Geri fearfulness the latest bombshell volition “destroy” the mum-of-two, who shares seven-year-old lad Monty with Horner.

One pal told the Mail: “It has each travel crashing down.

“The tears stopped erstwhile the judgement came successful connected Wednesday, present they perfectly volition person started again. This volition destruct her.

“All on Christian promised determination was thing successful it.”

The mates were understood to person been locked successful long-distance talks arsenic aides attempted to negociate the crisis.

It remained unclear whether Geri had been shown immoderate of the messages anterior to their distribution.

Team Principal Horner was successful Bahrain erstwhile the messages leaked connected Thursday – and helium was pictured astatine grooming today.

He jetted to the Gulf kingdom connected Wednesday earlier helium was cleared of wrongdoing aft being accused of inappropriate behaviour and sending improper messages.

Geri meantime was backmost location successful the UK, but was understood to beryllium owed to alert retired earlier the weekend.

Hundreds of WhatsApp messages were sent to F1 teams and media outlets yesterday.

While determination don’t look to beryllium immoderate explicit images successful the messages, immoderate of the texts are sexually suggestive successful nature.

Messages appeared to suggest Horner pestered the pistillate for pictures portion others discussed a solo enactment enactment successful an craft toilet.

The pistillate – who works with Horner astatine the all-conquering Grand Prix team’s Milton Keynes HQ – seemingly bushed of her boss’s pleas for pictures and sexy chat, according to the WhatsApp dossier.

She asks him to halt – and adjacent asks however the dada would consciousness if Geri was behaving successful the aforesaid mode with 1 of her staff.

Texts besides suggest Horner became apologetic arsenic helium realised helium had caused offence – and responded by asking the pistillate to delete their full WhatsApp history.

The mega-leak appeared to beryllium successful enactment with the archetypal accusation faced implicit alleged “sexually suggestive “ messages sent by Horner.

It was aboriginal claimed that the barrister-led enquiry into the squad brag was into “controlling and coercive” behaviour towards the woman.

There is nary proposition that immoderate pictures featuring intersexual contented are included successful the WhatApps messages leaked truthful far.

The leak was besides calculated to origin maximum harm to Red Bull Racing brag Horner’s vocation – conscionable 24 hours earlier the commencement of the caller Grand Prix play successful Bahrain.

Horner, who joined the popular prima successful 2015, has ever vehemently denied the claims and vowed to combat to wide his name.

“I won’t remark connected anonymous speculation, but to reiterate, I person ever denied the allegations,” helium said.

“I respected the integrity of the autarkic probe and afloat co-operated with it each measurement of the way.

“It was a thorough and just probe conducted by an autarkic specializer barrister and it has concluded, dismissing the ailment made.”

This communicative archetypal appeared successful The Sun and was republished with permission.

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