‘Taking the p**s’: David Fifita’s shock Roosters backflip slammed

2 months ago 51

David Fifita has been accused of “taking the p**s” aft the repercussions of his daze Roosters backflip continues to reverberate astir the league.

After a circus erupted implicit Fifita’s declaration clause which gave the 24-year-old until the commencement of past circular 10 to activate a subordinate enactment oregon beryllium capable to motion with different club.

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After a week of speculation helium would beryllium going to Penrith, Fifita sensationally announced helium would beryllium signing with the Roosters connected a four-year, $3.3 cardinal deal.

That lasted for 5 days with quality breaking connected Wednesday that precocious connected Tuesday night, Fifita had told Roosters supremo Nick Politis helium was having 2nd thoughts.

By Wednesday morning, the Roosters pulled the connection to Fifita.

Speaking connected Fox League’s NRL 360, James Hooper said Politis “doesn’t privation a subordinate astatine his nine who isn’t 100 per cent committed and doesn’t privation to beryllium a Rooster truthful helium picked the telephone up astatine 5:30am this greeting and said propulsion the deal”.

The Daily Telegraph’s Dean Ritchie revealed adjacent erstwhile Fifita had announced helium signed with the Roosters, Gold Coast powerbrokers believed they were inactive successful the hunt.

“Des and Fifita spoke, it grew legs from there. They went to an off-site cafe. Des past brought Steve Mitchell in, the CEO of the Titans,” Dean Ritchie.

“Remember, past week, Des was precise coy successful that property conference. He was precise cordial towards Fifita … Looking backmost now, Des hasn’t fixed up hope. He was inactive convinced helium could support him.”

For Braith Anasta, the determination didn’t marque sense, peculiarly considering determination was nary unreserved for Fifita to articulation a caller club.

“So David’s rung Nick up and said I’m coming to the Roosters and past he’s backflipped?” Anasta asked.

Hooper replied: “I find it highly disrespectful that past week David Fifita picks up the telephone and is speaking successful Greek, he’s ingratiating himself, he’s virtually playing footsies with him nether the array with him, right?

“Then helium spends 45 minutes connected the telephone with Robbo (Roosters manager Trent Robinson) and they spell implicit a assortment of things and however everything would portion unneurotic successful presumption of the Roosters’ attacking and antiaircraft puzzle.

“Then helium rings Uncle Nick the adjacent day, and erstwhile helium answers, Fifita says ‘I’m yours. I privation to beryllium a Rooster’.”

Ritchie agreed it was a sensational backflip.

“I mean, no-one treats the Roosters nor Nick Politis with specified disdain,” Ritchie said. “Let’s beryllium honest, this is tantamount to a slap successful the look for the Roosters.

“Very fewer bash it to Nick Politis. Given the esteem helium has held successful this game.

“He’s (Fifita) talking astir family. I privation to enactment up adjacent my family. He’s reconnected with his dad, his mum and grandma are close. He lives with his girlfriend, but astatine the aforesaid time, helium agreed to spell past week and his household inactive lived connected the Gold Coast.

“It’s precise confusing.”

Hooper said the contented was that Fifita seemed to beryllium sending mixed messages, seemingly each successful astatine the Roosters, portion inactive messaging with Panthers manager Ivan Cleary until the time earlier his decision.

“I deliberation David Fifita, the mode he’s conducted himself, he’s taking the p**s,” Hooper said.

“You can’t transportation connected similar that successful the modern world. Elite shot is superior concern these days. It’s a cardinal dollar game, and I conscionable deliberation he’s done himself a existent disservice.”

And it besides appears to person enactment the Roosters’ chemoreceptor retired of joint.

Speaking to The Daily Telegraph, Politis deed retired astatine Fifita’s backflip.

“It is hard to understand,” Politis said.

“He approached us. And did the aforesaid with Penrith. After coming Sydney to conscionable with Trent Robinson and the remainder of the coaching staff, it’s hard to recognize however helium tin show and make uncertainty.

“We’ve decided retreat our offer.”

Politis is not unsocial successful his disorder implicit the concern with pundits trying to enactment retired what whitethorn person happened.

SEN’s Andrew Voss said Fifita being booed by his ain fans successful the Titans triumph implicit the Cowboys past week whitethorn person had a bigger interaction than galore radical would think.

“If the Titans didn’t person a location crippled the different time … you tally retired astatine location connected the play and the assemblage boos you and each clip you interaction the shot your booed, I reckon you’re feeling beauteous down,” Voss said.

“I’m telling you, David is astir apt not the idiosyncratic fans see. He is simply a precise humble young antheral and I would accidental it would person an affectional interaction connected him.”

However, Bulldogs supremo and commentary seasoned Phil Gould claimed the Roosters had “dodged a bullet”.

“I don’t deliberation helium was going to suit them and I recovered it a unusual signing for them – I’ll basal by that,” Gould told Nine.

“I’m not saying I don’t deliberation David Fifita is simply a bully player. He is simply a almighty ball-runner, he’s evidently an interaction subordinate and helium tin surely triumph games for you.

“I couldn’t spot him, from what I’ve seen of his career, fitting into their enactment ethic … I don’t recognize it. I conscionable haven’t seen it successful his vocation to date.”

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