Tom Cruise stunt left co-star fearing for life

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Though Tom Cruise became a invaluable mentor to Glen Powell portion the brace were filming 2022’s Top Gun: Maverick, the emerging starring antheral revealed that Cruise erstwhile played a wicked prank connected him portion filming.

In an interrogation with GQ, Powell recalled a terrifying acquisition erstwhile Cruise was flying them backmost to London successful a chopper aft they reshot a mates of scenes for Top Gun: Maverick.

“Tom goes, ‘Oh no, ohio no,’ and helium starts dropping the chopper implicit London,” Powell recalled. “I was like, ‘Am I astir to beryllium the unnamed feline that dies with Tom successful a smoking spread successful the mediate of London?’”

The enlightening interrogation featured respective likewise absorbing anecdotes astir their relationship and Cruise’s mentorship.

While reflecting connected Maverick, which proved to beryllium the movie that efficaciously launched his career, Powell revealed that helium initially intended to crook down the movie aft helium mislaid retired connected the 2nd pb role, Rooster, which yet went to Miles Teller.

Stream Top Gun: Maverick connected Netflix, disposable connected Hubbl.

The histrion revealed that Cruise took Powell’s input and reworked his character, Hangman, to amended service Powell’s abilities and the film.

“Tom’s a listener. He listens to the unit members, helium listens to his collaborators, and helium hears people,” Powell said of the blockbuster star.

After Maverick, Cruise took Powell nether his wing. Cruise reportedly sent him to a movie theatre successful Los Angeles to ticker a “film school” movie helium had made.

Powell expected determination to beryllium a crowd, but alternatively helium sat unsocial successful the cinema for six hours to ticker the full production.

The movie, which Cruise allegedly made “just for [his] friends,” shows Cruise breaking down filmmaking and flying, 2 of his specialties.

“[In the movie, Cruise] is like: ‘Do we each hold that this is what a camera is? This is the quality betwixt a movie camera and a integer camera…,’” Powell shared.

“The funniest portion is connected flying. It was similar helium enactment unneurotic this full formation school. So helium would virtually spell ‘OK, this is what a level is. Here’s however things fly. Here’s however aerial unit works.’”

Cruise’s power doesn’t extremity there. The Anyone But You prima adjacent got his pilot’s licence successful 2021.

The histrion has been acting since 2003, erstwhile helium made an quality successful Spy Kids 3: Game Over, but Maverick, which earned $US1.5 cardinal successful the container office, proved to beryllium Powell’s large break.

Powell is present booked and engaged with the caller merchandise Hit Man, which premieres connected Netflix June 7, and Twisters, which premieres July 19.

This nonfiction primitively appeared successful Decider and was reproduced with permission

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