Trump trial in tatters after Michael Cohen’s ‘otherworldly’ testimony

1 week ago 51

The completion of the grounds of Michael Cohen near the prosecution of Donald Trump, similar its prima witness, successful tatters.

In the last time of cross-examination, Cohen admitted to committing larceny successful stealing tens of thousands of dollars from his client.

Even much notably, helium admitted to the larceny on the stand — aft the statute of limitations had passed. There volition beryllium nary dormant felony zapped backmost into beingness against Cohen, arsenic it was for Trump. 

Cohen intelligibly has recovered a location for his unsocial accomplishment arsenic a convicted, disbarred serial perjurer. 

It was not the archetypal clip that prosecutors looked the different mode arsenic Cohen admitted to large transgression conduct: In a anterior hearing, Cohen admitted nether oath that helium lied successful a erstwhile lawsuit wherever helium pleaded blameworthy to lying.

If that is simply a spot confusing, it was conscionable different time successful the beingness of Michael Cohen, who appears lone consenting to archer to the information if helium has nary different alternative.

The effect is genuinely otherworldly. You person a disbarred lawyer not lone casually discussing lies and uncharged crimes, but prosecutors who proceeded to get him to punctual the assemblage that helium is not facing immoderate further transgression charges. 

If immoderate 1 of those jurors had stolen tens of thousands of dollars, they would beryllium fixed a accelerated travel to the hoosegow.

Yet Cohen past matter-of-factly said helium plans to tally for Congress owed to his “name recognition” — the eventual impervious that it does not substance whether you are celebrated oregon infamous, truthful agelong arsenic they spell your sanction right.

As a legislator, Cohen would person the unsocial quality to accidental helium volition not beryllium corrupted by Congress — due to the fact that helium came to Congress corrupted. 

While astir members hold to instrumentality bureau to perpetrate felonies, Rep. Cohen would amusement up with a self-affirming transgression record.

He could past instrumentality 1 of the fewer oaths that helium has not antecedently violated as the Honorable Rep. Michael Cohen. 

At the extremity of the day, Cohen is the eventual shining entity for prosecutors to usage arsenic a distraction from the glaring omissions successful their case.

Prior witnesses testified that Trump’s payments to Cohen were  designated arsenic “legal expenses” not by Trump but by his accounting staff.

Moreover, Cohen admitted that helium worked for Trump for years successful his murky capableness arsenic a fixer. References to payments arsenic a retainer were approved by Allen Weisselberg, a retired enforcement with the Trump Organization.

The “legal expense” statement was a earthy characterization for a lawyer who was paid monthly and was on-call arsenic Trump’s idiosyncratic counsel.

In immoderate different district, this lawsuit would ne'er person been allowed successful trial. It surely present should beryllium facing a directed verdict by the court.

Indeed, with immoderate different defendant, a New York assemblage would beryllium giving a Bronx cheer successful derision.

Even CNN hosts and experts person admitted that this lawsuit would ne'er person been brought against different suspect oregon successful different district.

That is what Manhattan District Attorney Alvin Bragg is counting on. 

The biggest occupation facing the defence is not the evidence, but the judge: Judge Juan Merchan seems to beryllium channeling George Patton’s warning, “May God person mercy upon my enemies, because I won’t.”

Merchan has not fixed immoderate denotation that helium is earnestly considering a directed verdict, which helium should intelligibly assistance earlier this goes to the jury.

Merchan’s rulings person mostly favored the prosecution, including immoderate rulings that near immoderate of america mystified.

Judge Merchan continues to let the assemblage to perceive references to campaign-finance violations that bash not exist.

After gutting immoderate usage of a ineligible adept to attest connected the lack of immoderate specified violations, the justice allowed the assemblage to perceive Michael Cohen authorities that the payments to Stormy Daniels were intelligibly run violations.

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All that Merchan would connection is simply a anemic acquisition telling jurors not to instrumentality specified statements arsenic impervious of a violation.

The alleged campaign-finance violations allowed Cohen to effort to implicate Trump. However, it is doubtful that Trump could person been convicted connected specified a complaint successful immoderate different venue.

It is precisely what the Justice Department tried and failed to bash with John Edwards, a Democratic candidate.

After that unmitigated failure, the Justice Department dropped this mentation of hush wealth arsenic a run contribution.

Indeed, aft reviewing the Trump payments, not lone did the Justice Department diminution immoderate charges but the Federal Election Commission did not adjacent question a civilian fine.

On Monday, Judge Merchan’s orders became adjacent much inexplicable erstwhile Cohen’s erstwhile lawyer Robert Costello took the stand.

Merchan instantly started to prolong a flurry of prosecutors’ objections arsenic Costello fundamentally accused Cohen of aggregate acts of perjury. 

At 1 point, Costello — 1 of the astir experienced lawyers successful New York and a erstwhile authoritative — exclaimed that 1 of the judge’s rulings was “ridiculous.”

The justice chastised Costello and adjacent challenged him: “Are you staring maine down?” 

In fact, it was hard not to stare. What is happening successful the courtroom of Judge Juan Merchan is thing but ordinary.

Jonathan Turley is an lawyer and prof astatine George Washington University Law School.

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