Ukraine: Kim talks show Putin's isolation, Klimkin says

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Ukraine's erstwhile Foreign Minister Pavlo Klimkin called on Germany to nonstop Ukraine Taurus cruise missiles, which helium says would beryllium a "game changer" for Kyiv. 

He besides dismissed the gathering betwixt Russian President Putin and North Korean person Kim Jong Un connected Wednesday, saying that turning to North Korea was "not a bully sign" for Russia. 

Meanwhile, Ukraine and Russia person some claimed to person changeable down drones attacking them from the different enactment connected Thursday.

Russian forces reportedly destroyed 5 Ukrainian oversea drones, and Moscow besides said it had destroyed respective Ukrainian drones implicit its borderline regions of Bryansk and Belgorod overnight. 

Ukraine said that it downed 17 Russian drones attacking its southern, cardinal and bluish territories overnight, retired of a full of 22 drones.

The accusations travel 1 time after Russia said that 2 of its warships were damaged by Ukrainian rocket attacks connected the larboard metropolis of Sevastopol connected the illegally-occupied Crimean peninsula.

Here are the headlines concerning Russia's warfare successful Ukraine on Thursday, September 14:

Skip adjacent conception Klimkin says Kim-Putin talks 'not a bully sign' for 'isolated' Russia

09/14/2023September 14, 2023

Klimkin says Kim-Putin talks 'not a bully sign' for 'isolated' Russia

The erstwhile Ukrainian overseas curate besides addressed the sojourn of North Korean President Kim Jong Un to eastbound Russia this week, dismissing it arsenic a motion of the Kremlin's planetary isolation.

"Turning to Kim Jong Un is not a bully motion for the Russian leadership, don't you think?" helium said, adding that the gathering of the 2 leaders was "not conscionable astir weapons" but alternatively signaled "a caller prime of partnership."

Klimkin expressed his sentiment that Russia was much isolated than ever connected the satellite signifier and not being seen arsenic an adjacent by countries similar China and India.

"The isolation is there," Klimkin said, "and we decidedly privation more."

Putin and Kim held talks connected Wednesday astatine a Russian cosmodrome, with Putin saying helium had accepted an invitation to sojourn North Korean successful the aboriginal and hinting astatine aboriginal practice successful the abstraction sector. adjacent conception German Taurus missiles would beryllium a 'game changer', Ukraine's erstwhile overseas curate says

09/14/2023September 14, 2023

German Taurus missiles would beryllium a 'game changer', Ukraine's erstwhile overseas curate says

Ukraine's erstwhile Foreign Minister Pavlo Klimkin has said that German Taurus cruise missiles would dramatically boost his country’s quality to support itself against Russia.

"The transportation of Taurus missiles is simply a imaginable crippled changer," Pavlo Klimkin told DW.  "Ideally, it would travel successful parallel with a United States determination to present ATACMS [Army Tactical Missile Systems]," helium further said.

The Biden medication is expected to determine connected the transportation of ATACMS successful the adjacent days.

Germany continues to see providing Ukraine with its long-range Taurus missiles. Defense Minister Boris Pistorius said earlier this week Germany was not yet successful a presumption to determine connected their delivery.

Klimkin was speaking arsenic the colder wintertime months beckon successful Ukraine, erstwhile analysts expect the warring to ebb arsenic it did past year. He said helium did not judge much inclement upwind would airs a "fundamental problem" to Ukrainian forces. Klimkin said issues similar technology, strategical clarity and planetary assistance were much decisive. adjacent conception Russian overnight onslaught connected Ukraine kills child, prosecution says

09/14/2023September 14, 2023

Russian overnight onslaught connected Ukraine kills child, prosecution says

Russian forces attacked the confederate Ukrainian portion of Kherson overnight, sidesplitting a 6-year-old boy, Ukrainian prosecutors said.

The shelling besides earnestly injured the boy's 13-year-old brother, arsenic good arsenic 3 neighbors who tried to help, the Prosecutor General's bureau said.

The prosecution added that it has documented the decease of 504 Ukrainian children since Russia invaded Ukraine successful February 2022, cautioning that the existent fig is expected to beryllium adjacent higher.

Meanwhile, the politician of Russia's Kursk portion said Ukrainian shelling killed 1 antheral and damaged powerfulness proviso lines.

Governor Roman Starovoit said connected the messaging level Telegram that the shelling of the municipality of Tetkino connected the Russian-Ukrainian borderline killed the man, adding that 10 shells were besides recorded astatine the colony of Gordeevka, adjacent the borderline with Belarus. adjacent conception Ukraine attacks Russian aerial defence systems successful Crimea, subject says

09/14/2023September 14, 2023

Ukraine attacks Russian aerial defence systems successful Crimea, subject says

Ukrainian forces person attacked Russian aerial defence systems adjacent the municipality of Yevpatoriya successful occidental Crimea, the peninsula annexed by Russia since 2014, a Ukrainian root said.

Russia had initially reported connected repelling Ukrainian drones connected the peninsula overnight. But a Ukrainian quality root gave the Reuters quality bureau much details connected the attack.

The onslaught destroyed a "Triumf" aerial defence strategy successful a associated cognition of the Ukrainian navy and information service, the root told Reuters.

The drones started by attacking the aerial defence system's radar and antenna to unsighted it. Then, 2 Ukrainian-made Neptune cruise missiles were fired astatine the system's launchers.

Military analysts suggest Kyiv has modified the Neptune anti-ship rocket to beryllium capable to onslaught crushed targets. adjacent conception Former NATO Deputy Commander criticizes Germany subject spending

09/14/2023September 14, 2023

Former NATO Deputy Commander criticizes Germany subject spending

NATO countries specified arsenic Germany, Italy and France person yet to instrumentality to their pledge of spending 2% of the GDP connected the military, said Richard Shirreff, retired British wide and erstwhile NATO Deputy.

Speaking to DW, Shirreff peculiarly called retired Germany, saying that the country's 2023 defence fund was little than that for 2022.

"What benignant of awesome does that send? What does that archer you astir the so-called 'Zeitenwende,' this alleged infinitesimal of large alteration erstwhile Germany was going to warrant 2% of GDP twelvemonth connected twelvemonth successful defense?"

Shirreff besides stressed his religion successful Ukraine, saying helium believed the state volition execute its subject objectives and that it volition not halt fighting.

"The determination, the volition successful Ukraine is perfectly extraordinary," helium said. "They volition spell connected warring until they've defeated Russia—with oregon without the West."

Ex-general: NATO has to beryllium prepared to combat Russia

The retired wide called connected Western countries to supply Ukraine with much support.

"My presumption is simple: Give the Ukrainians the means to bash the occupation and fto them get connected with it. Provide the enactment successful presumption of quality and cyber and EW [electronic warfare]," helium said. "But don't effort and 2nd conjecture the Ukrainian generals. They cognize what works." adjacent conception Russia says Ukrainian oversea drones destroyed

09/14/2023September 14, 2023

Russia says Ukrainian oversea drones destroyed

Russian forces destroyed 5 Ukrainian oversea drones which attacked a navy vessel successful the Black Sea connected Thursday, Russia said.

The RIA quality bureau cited the Defense Ministry arsenic saying the oversea drones had tried to onslaught the Sergei Kotov ship.

Tension has intensified successful the Black Sea since Moscow withdrew successful July from a UN-brokered woody which allowed Ukraine to export grains via the oversea amid the ongoing war.

No breakthrough connected Ukraine atom exports adjacent conception Kyiv says 17 Russian drones downed

09/14/2023September 14, 2023

Kyiv says 17 Russian drones downed

Ukraine said that it downed 17 Russian drones attacking its southern, cardinal and bluish territories overnight, retired of a full of 22 drones.

Ukraine's aerial unit said successful a station connected the messaging level Telegram that Iranian Shahed drones attacked the state "from 3 directions." adjacent conception Russia says drones destroyed implicit borderline Bryansk, Belgorod regions

09/14/2023September 14, 2023

Russia says drones destroyed implicit borderline Bryansk, Belgorod regions

Moscow besides said it had destroyed several Ukrainian drones implicit its borderline regions of Bryansk and Belgorod overnight. 

The Defense Ministry said six drones successful 4 abstracted locations implicit the Bryansk portion were downed. The portion is astir equidistant betwixt the Ukrainian and Russian capitals.

Bryansk politician Alexander Bogomaz said nary harm oregon casualties were reported. He added that exigency services were contiguous connected the scene.

The defence ministry added that it "thwarted" an onslaught by a drone implicit the Belgorod region. The determination governor, Vyacheslav Gladkov, said the drone was "shot down" implicit Tulyanka village. adjacent conception Russia says 11 drones destroyed implicit Crimea

09/14/2023September 14, 2023

Russia says 11 drones destroyed implicit Crimea

Russian aerial defenses destroyed 11 drones implicit Crimea connected Thursday morning, Russian media reported.

The RIA authorities quality bureau described the drones arsenic "hostile." 

RIA earlier reported that car postulation was suspended connected the span that connects the Crimea peninsula to mainland Russia. It gave nary crushed for the postulation suspension.

rmt/rc (AFP, Reuters)
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