Update on killer wedding bus driver

1 month ago 88

The operator of a wedding autobus that crashed successful NSW’s Hunter Valley sidesplitting 10 radical and injuring 25 more, successful 1 of the nation’s worst ever roadworthy incidents, volition instrumentality to court.

Brett Button, 59, volition look earlier Newcastle District Court connected Thursday greeting aft reaching a plea woody with constabulary prosecutors earlier this period that has angered the families of victims.

Mr Button was driving guests from a wedding reception astatine Wandin Valley Estate backmost to Singleton connected June 11 erstwhile the autobus flipped onto its broadside astatine a roundabout astatine Greta.

The Cessnock antheral astatine 1 constituent faced a whopping 89 charges, but yet pleaded blameworthy to 10 counts of dangerous driving occasioning decease earlier this year.

Mr Button, who is successful custody, besides pleaded blameworthy to unsafe driving occasioning grievous bodily harm successful narration to the 15 radical who were besides injured.

The horrific clang rapidly became 1 of NSW’s – and Australia’s – worst ever roadworthy incidents and sparked contiguous calls for inquiries into roadworthy information laws.

The clang besides near the section Hunter Valley and Cessnock communities devastated, with solemn services held for those killed successful the weeks and months after.

Those killed successful the clang included Andrew Scott, 35, and woman Lynan Scott, 33; Nadene McBride, 52, girl Kyah McBride, 22, and her partner, Kane Symons, 21.

Darcy Bulman, 30, Rebecca Mullen, 26, Zachary Bray, 29, Tori Cowburn, and Angus Craig, 28, were besides killed successful the clang and were laid to remainder past year.

More to come.

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