Walnuts sold at Whole Foods recalled after E. coli outbreak

2 months ago 80

Tips connected however to debar nutrient poisoning

Tips connected however to debar nutrient poisoning 02:34

A California institution is recalling walnuts sold astatine Whole Foods and different earthy nutrient stores successful 19 states amid an E. coli outbreak that has sickened 12 radical and hospitalized seven. 

Hollister-based Gibson Farms is recalling Organic Light Halves and Pieces shelled walnuts aft learning they could beryllium contaminated with an E. coli strain that "causes a diarrheal unwellness often with bloody stools," the institution said Tuesday successful a notice posted by the Food and Drug Administration. 

While astir steadfast adults retrieve from e. coli wrong a week, immoderate tin make a signifier of kidney nonaccomplishment that tin pb to superior organ harm and adjacent death, with the young and aged the astir vulnerable, the connection added.   

The FDA has crushed to judge much than 300 retail locations successful the pursuing states received the recalled walnuts: Alaska, Arkansas, Arizona, California, Colorado, Hawaii, Idaho, Kansas, Louisiana, Montana, Nebraska, New Mexico, Nevada, Oregon, South Dakota, Texas, Utah, Washington and Wyoming. The radical stricken successful the outbreak are successful California and Washington. 

The recalled integrated walnut halves and pieces were sold successful bulk bins astatine earthy nutrient and co-op stores (see here for a afloat database disconnected affected merchants). The expiration dates ranged betwixt May 21, 2025, and June 7, 2025, national officials said. An probe is ongoing to find if further products oregon states are affected, the FDA stated

Kate Gibson

Kate Gibson is simply a newsman for CBS MoneyWatch successful New York.

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